This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/caops-wg/wiki/OGF20_Agenda?version=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:21:27 GMT OGF20 Agenda - CAOPS WG - Open Grid Forum

OGF20 Agenda

CAOPS-WG Session
Tue, May 8, 15:00 BST, Charter Suite 5


  • Vote on Grid Certificate Profile Document?
  • David, 2 min, Darcy 3 min
  • Plans on Finalizing the OCSP Document!
  • Milan, 15 min
  • Development of Audit Guidlines Document
  • Yoshio, 10 min
  • Development of the Authentication Service Profile Document
  • David, 5 min
  • Development of the Relying Party Defined Namespace Policies Document
  • David, 15 min

IGTF Session
Wed, May 9, 18:00 BST, Charter Suite 3


  • Updates from the regional PMAs (15 min)
  • APGrid PMA (Yoshio)
  • EUGrid PMA (David)
  • TAGPMA (Darcy)
  • Problems in compliance with the new Authentication Profile (20 min)
  • Authentication Profiles (20 min)
  • MICS (Darcy)
  • Portal-based CS (Yoshio)
  • Hardware Tokens (20 mins)
  • Robots (Jens)
  • hardware issues (DavidG)
  • AOB

Final_MICS_Profile_MXCity.pdf (221.1 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

GridCertificateProfile-20070508.ppt (49 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

IGTF-session-agenda-20070509.ppt (189.5 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

OGF20-CAOPS-RPNamespacePolicy-20070508.ppt (164 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

draft-ggf-namespace-policy-20070201.doc (75.5 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

draft-ogf-caops-grid-certificate-profile-v22.pdf (201.5 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

dutchgrid-etokens-20070508.ppt (379.5 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

eugridpma-namespaces-format-spec-20060126-0-1-5.doc (115 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

robots-ogf.ppt (277.5 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

eugridpma-status-OGF20-20070509.ppt (255 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:45 AM

TAGPMA Process Status Matrix.pdf (35.5 kB) David Groep, 06/25/2012 07:46 AM

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/caops-wg/wiki/OGF20_Agenda?version=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:21:27 GMT