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Version 6 (Florido Paganelli, 06/17/2014 12:48 PM)

1 2 Shiraz Memon
2 2 Shiraz Memon
3 3 Florido Paganelli
h1. OGF GLUE2 Enumerations procedures and best practices
4 1 Shiraz Memon
5 5 Florido Paganelli
Author: Florido Paganelli florido.paganelli_REMOVE!
6 4 Florido Paganelli
7 4 Florido Paganelli
8 4 Florido Paganelli
9 4 Florido Paganelli
Document Status: Work in Progress
10 4 Florido Paganelli
11 4 Florido Paganelli
Last revision: 2014-06-17
12 4 Florido Paganelli
13 3 Florido Paganelli
h2. Introduction
14 4 Florido Paganelli
15 6 Florido Paganelli
This work is an attempt to summarize and generalize the usage of Open Enumerations in GLUE2, and an attempt to set some rules on how the management of these should be carried on.
16 6 Florido Paganelli
17 6 Florido Paganelli
The key words ‘MUST,” “MUST NOT,” “REQUIRED,” “SHALL,” “SHALL NOT,” “SHOULD,” “SHOULD NOT,” “RECOMMENDED,” “MAY,” and “OPTIONAL” are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 (see []).
18 6 Florido Paganelli
19 1 Shiraz Memon
20 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Acknowledgements
21 1 Shiraz Memon
22 3 Florido Paganelli
h2. Naming Schemes
23 1 Shiraz Memon
24 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Services
25 1 Shiraz Memon
26 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Interfaces
27 1 Shiraz Memon
28 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Capabilities
29 1 Shiraz Memon
30 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Sorting out special classes of names
31 1 Shiraz Memon
32 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Simplified naming for Services with only one Interface
33 1 Shiraz Memon
34 3 Florido Paganelli
h2. Requesting new Open Enumerations
35 1 Shiraz Memon
36 3 Florido Paganelli
h2. Management of Open Enumerations
37 1 Shiraz Memon
38 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Description of Open Enumerations CSV files
39 1 Shiraz Memon
40 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. Statuses
41 1 Shiraz Memon
42 3 Florido Paganelli
h3. GLUE2 Working Group Procedures
43 3 Florido Paganelli
44 3 Florido Paganelli
h2. References
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/V10/annotate/6 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:25:01 GMT