This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/Errata at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 15:22:33 GMT Errata - GLUE WG - Open Grid Forum


This page intends to hold all the errata of the GLUE 2.0 Specification v. 2.0, March 3, 2009.

  • The multiplicity field is specified as '*', '0..*' or '1..*'. To make it easier to read, all appearances of '*' should be '0..*'. This happens in:
    • This applies to the full document, starting on page 8, with the class Entity
  • In the GLUE Specification v. 2.0, page 8, it is specified the Entity class. In its "Association.End" there is just one field: "Extension.Key", but in the Extension class, its unique identifier is "LocalId". So in the Entity class, it should be specified "Extension.LocalId" instead of "Extension.Key". "Extension.Key" shouldn´t be used because of its description, which I quote here: "This identifier is not required to be unique; several instances of this class MAY hold the same value of this attribute". Thus, we should use "Extension.LocalId" and mark this attribute with key.
    • This applies to the full document, starting on page 8, with the class Entity
  • In the GLUE Specification v. 2.0, page 9, it is specified the Extension class. In its "Association.End" there is just one field: "Entity", but it should be "Entity.ID".
  • In the GLUE Specification v. 2.0, page 11, the relationship AdminDomain-Service in AdminDomain has not a counterpart in Service (page 13). Service object should have a relation to AdminDomain with multiplicity 1.
  • In the GLUE Specification v. 2.0, page 24, in ComputingService, the relation StorageService is empty. It should be ToStorageEntity with multiplicity 0..*.
  • In the GLUE Specification v. 2.0, page 19, in Policy, the relation UserDomain.ID should have multiplicity 0..*.
  • The TrustedCA attribute in the Endpoint (GLUE Specification v. 2.0, page 15) includes the text "Alternatively this may identify a standard bundle of accepted CAs, e.g. those accredited by the IGTF. Note that this does not imply that such certificates will be authorized to use the Endpoint.". This text is omitted in the description of the corresponding inherited attribute in ComputingEndpoint (page 25) and StorageEndpoint (page 48).
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/Errata at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 15:22:35 GMT