This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/Enumerations_procedures_and_best_practices_v11/annotate/1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:14:46 GMT GLUE WG - Open Grid Forum

Enumerations procedures and best practices v11

Version 1 (Shiraz Memon, 06/17/2014 11:21 AM)

1 1 Shiraz Memon
2 1 Shiraz Memon
3 1 Shiraz Memon
h1. Introduction
4 1 Shiraz Memon
5 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Acknowledgements
6 1 Shiraz Memon
7 1 Shiraz Memon
h1. Naming Schemes
8 1 Shiraz Memon
9 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Services
10 1 Shiraz Memon
11 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Interfaces
12 1 Shiraz Memon
13 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Capabilities
14 1 Shiraz Memon
15 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Sorting out special classes of names
16 1 Shiraz Memon
17 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Simplified naming for Services with only one Interface
18 1 Shiraz Memon
19 1 Shiraz Memon
h1. Requesting new Open Enumerations
20 1 Shiraz Memon
21 1 Shiraz Memon
h1. Management of Open Enumerations
22 1 Shiraz Memon
23 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Description of Open Enumerations CSV files
24 1 Shiraz Memon
25 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Statuses
26 1 Shiraz Memon
27 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. GLUE2 Working Group Procedures
28 1 Shiraz Memon
29 1 Shiraz Memon
h1. References
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/Enumerations_procedures_and_best_practices_v11/annotate/1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:14:46 GMT