This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/29_August_2012?version=2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:24:57 GMT 29 August 2012 - GLUE WG - Open Grid Forum

29 August 2012

Date and Time

29.08.2012, 16:30-18:00 Central Europe, 10:30-12:00 AM US Eastern


1.5 hrs

Meeting URL


  • JP Navarro
  • Shiraz Memon
  • Florido Paganelli
  • Stephen Burke
  • David Meredith


  • progress on xsd schema (flat style)
  • progress on ldap rendering document
  • publishing pseudo-standard enumerations
  • migration from grid-forge to redmine


Progress on flat XSD style

  • Florido, try validating ARC / NorduGrid documents with new schema by September 21
  • Shiraz, test schemas by generating the Java bindings, and test generating and querying documents by September 21
  • JP contact OSG about feedback to proposed XML rendering by September 7
  • Deadline for feedback September 21.
  • Next teleconference October 1, Shiraz will send doodle poll.

Progress on LDAP rendering

  • Need a bullet list of the changes to the LDAP rendering (Florido and Balasz), Florida will tell us what the deadline for posting to the list is.
  • October 1 meeting we would like to resolve the easy issues, and identify the difficult issues
  • Should reference LDAP tree be in a separate document?
  • DIT has parts that can become standard, like service and underneath objects. Alternatively it can be in a reference document having 2 level aggregation tree, site, and global
  • Draft LDAP rendering posted in 2010, clearly spelling out what should be standard and what should be left to the implementor
  • There are performance reasons for why it's important to standardize the DIT.
  • Florido and Balasz will provide feedback on the list on issues with the current document by September 21

Publishing Pseudo-standard enumerations

  • Florido collected the missing ones and posted them to the Google document
  • UMD has other capabilities that still need to be added
  • Workflow for enumeration to come in and get published
  • New enumerations proposed thru the glue list, discussed, and finally made official by Florido adding them to a machine readable file on github
  • Florido may propose a process for discussing and making new enumerations official

Migration from Gridforge to Redmine

  • Everyone should join the Glue 2 group on redmine, link
  • Shiraz moved Grid Forge documents (including historical versions) to Redmine
  • We will continue to use github for SCM
  • Request that everyone go thru the wiki pages and cleanup material
  • Shiraz will finish reviewing the wiki document
  • Shiraz will upload David's original zip to Redmine
  • David will update what Shiraz uploaded with the latest versions


  • Stephen: EGI Technical Forum will have a 90 minute session in the Operations track dedicated to GLUE 2, specific talks are not known yet. The conference will be held on September 17-21, on 20th will be information system sessions
  • Shiraz will request two OGF sessions. We can not meet for the second session if we don't need it.
  • Discussed how to associate service, such as computing service and associated delegation service. GFD.147 page 24 has service association information.
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/29_August_2012?version=2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:24:57 GMT