This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/26_Feb_2013/annotate/1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:24:56 GMT GLUE WG - Open Grid Forum

26 Feb 2013

Version 1 (Shiraz Memon, 02/28/2013 06:20 AM)

1 1 Shiraz Memon
h1. 26 Feb 2013
2 1 Shiraz Memon
3 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Date and Time
4 1 Shiraz Memon
5 1 Shiraz Memon
26.02.2013, 16:00-18:00 Central Europe, 10:00-12:00 AM US Eastern
6 1 Shiraz Memon
7 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Duration
8 1 Shiraz Memon
9 1 Shiraz Memon
2 hrs
10 1 Shiraz Memon
11 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Meeting URL
12 1 Shiraz Memon
13 1 Shiraz Memon
* (Adobe Connect)
14 1 Shiraz Memon
* Login as Guest using your real name
15 1 Shiraz Memon
16 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Participants
17 1 Shiraz Memon
18 1 Shiraz Memon
* JP Navarro
19 1 Shiraz Memon
* Shiraz Memon
20 1 Shiraz Memon
* Florido Paganelli
21 1 Shiraz Memon
* David Meredith
22 1 Shiraz Memon
* Warren Smith
23 1 Shiraz Memon
* Stephen Burke
24 1 Shiraz Memon
25 1 Shiraz Memon
h2. Minutes & Action Items
26 1 Shiraz Memon
27 1 Shiraz Memon
* ACTION ITEM: E-mail the list summarizing the DN encoding discussing (JP)
28 1 Shiraz Memon
* Approved: Handle changes in open enumeration recommended values with new schema versions
29 1 Shiraz Memon
* Approved: Implement open enumerations as unions because some XML tools understand unions as a list of suggested values
30 1 Shiraz Memon
* ACTION ITEM: During the public comment period we will assess unions in XML tools in JaxB and XML Beans (Shiraz), Python (Warren), and Linux xmllint (David)
31 1 Shiraz Memon
* Approved: Agreed to keep BaseType
32 1 Shiraz Memon
* Approved: Replace specialized association IDs with more generic basetype unique IDs
33 1 Shiraz Memon
* ACTION ITEM: E-mail list about TODO items in list requesting comment back to the list (David)
34 1 Shiraz Memon
* ACTION ITEM: Upload remaining enumerations (only services have been uploaded) (Shiraz to remind Florido)
35 1 Shiraz Memon
36 1 Shiraz Memon
Proposed OGF 37 agenda:
37 1 Shiraz Memon
#  XML rendering
38 1 Shiraz Memon
   One slide enumerating the minor changes (David)
39 1 Shiraz Memon
   One slide for each major change summarizing the major points for the change (David)
40 1 Shiraz Memon
   Discuss releasing the document for public comment within two weeks of OGF 37
41 1 Shiraz Memon
   General discussion
42 1 Shiraz Memon
# Enumeration status (Florido)
43 1 Shiraz Memon
# LDAP rendering
44 1 Shiraz Memon
   A few slides describing the DIT tree (Florida)
45 1 Shiraz Memon
   Discuss releasing the DIT as a community practice document
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/26_Feb_2013/annotate/1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:24:56 GMT