This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/12_Feb_2013?version=2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:24:54 GMT 12 Feb 2013 - GLUE WG - Open Grid Forum

12 Feb 2013

Date and Time

12.02.2013, 16:00-18:00 Central Europe, 10:00-12:00 AM US Eastern


2 hrs

Meeting URL


  • JP Navarro
  • Shiraz Memon
  • Florido Paganelli
  • David Meredith
  • Warren Smith


  • ToComputingService, ToStorageService may not needed for associations.
  • Warren asked we we could re-order to group related (computing, storage) elements together?
  • Add to the XML rendering document how aggregation would work and look (e.g. using aggregation elements such as <Services> and <Endpoints> as alternative to BaseType attributes).
  • Discussed whether to keep or drop BaseType, requires voting
  • Figure out how to represent open enumerations (maybe use the xsd:union construct?)
  • Add material describing how cross XML document associations would work
  • Rename all Abstract Elements to include the "Abstract" prefix
  • Discussed whether Compute and Storage can extend Service_t rather than ServiceBase_t (there are reasons why this is not preferable due to limitations of XSD inheritance, to provide explanation in GFD)
  • Who can attend OGF March 11-13, No JP, No Florido, No Warren, Maybe Shiraz
  • Discussed not having a physical meeting at OGF and 1-2 virtual meetings
  • Next meeting agenda: what to do with old XML schemas (available on GitHub), LDAP update (Florido), enumerations (Florido will proxy someone)
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/12_Feb_2013?version=2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:24:54 GMT