This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/04_October_2012/diff/2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:21 GMT GLUE WG - Open Grid Forum

04 October 2012

Version 1 (Shiraz Memon, 10/05/2012 06:49 AM) → Version 2/3 (Shiraz Memon, 10/08/2012 03:13 PM)

h1. 04 October 2012

h2. Date and Time

29.08.2012, 16:30-18:00 Central Europe, 10:30-12:00 AM US Eastern

h2. Duration

1.5 hrs

h2. Meeting URL

* (Adobe Connect)
* Login as Guest using your real name

h2. Participants

* JP Navarro
* Shiraz Memon
* Florido Paganelli
* Stephen Burke
* David Meredith
* Warren Smith

h2. Agenda

* XML rendering updates and advancements to the flat schema
* progress on LDAP rendering document with respect to DIT standardisation
* Unified GLUE enumerations and process to update them autonomously
* Summary of GLUE session at EGI-TF
* Preparation for OGF36
* AOB?

h2. Minutes

h3. XML rendering updates and advancements to the flat schema

* Discussed whether to have a single schema with both flat or hierarchical or two schemas (one for each). Having one schema is much better for interoperability. Agreement that solely flat or both flat and nested is preferred, and that we would not want a solely nested schema. itemss..

* Discussed a standard and interoperable flat schema, plus an informational document (not a standard) showing examples of how some infrastructures have constructed a hierarchical rendering. Infrastructures that for internal reasons want hierarchical would publish flat for interoperability, and also hierarchical for internal use. Noted that anyone could write a tool to convert flat to hierarchical and share it with the community.

h3. Progress on LDAP rendering document with respect to DIT standardisation

LDAP queries can handle any hierarchy and don't change when the hierarchy changes.
Need to change STRING definition from ASCII to UTF-8. This could be considered a bug in the original rendering specification.
* items

We agreed that UTF-8 should be specified in the Schema and applied to all renderings.

h3. Unified GLUE enumerations and process to update them autonomously

Florido is continuing * items

h3. Migration from Gridforge
to collect enumerations and put them in a Google doc.
Publishing in a machine readable as a GIT file should satisfy the needs.
Florido will put enumeration in GIT in different formats (XML, JSON, CSV, etc...) by middle of November

* items

h3. Summary of GLUE session at EGI-TF

* These were the GLUE sessions at the TF, I think all slides are now there:

* David also gave a talk in the operations session:

* David's EGI profile document is here - any comments are welcome:

h3. Preparation for OGF36

Proposed agenda:

* Progress presentations (5-10 minutes each)
- LDAP Rendering Progress Update Florido/Stephen
- Enumerations Progress Update, Florido
- XML discussion, David (brief update, come back later)
(1-2 slides prepared by above presenters and displayed by Shiraz/JP)

* GLUE2 adoption updates (5 minutes each)
- XSEDE, 1 slide summary of what we have today and our support of new GLUE2, Warren (remote)
- EMI/ES, Florido (remote)
- ARC, Florido (remote)

* XML rendering discussion - David (slides), with Warren or JP as backups and displaying the slides.
items here...
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/glue-wg/wiki/04_October_2012/diff/2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:06:21 GMT