Documents / Informational / Requirements for Authentication Service Profiles
2012-06-25 06:00:07 by David Groep
Requirements for Authentication Service Profiles
Informational/Requirements for Authenticaton Service Profiles.doc
The deployment of Grids today depends on trusted Identity Providers (IdPs), which are responsible for issuing Authentication tokens to individuals and Grid resources. In this document we focus on the requirements for defining an Authentication Service Profile that can be used by IdPs to provide compliant Authentication Services. The other components that are required by an Identity provider are not covered.
63.5 kB
Draft discussion suspended
2012-06-25 05:59:38 by David Groep
Requirements for Authentication Service Profiles
Informational/Requirements for Authentication Service
The deployment of Grids today depends on trusted Identity Providers (IdPs), which are responsible for issuing Authentication tokens to individuals and Grid resources. In this document we focus on the requirements for defining an Authentication Service Profile that can be used by IdPs to provide compliant Authentication Services. The other components that are required by an Identity provider are not covered.
176.5 kB
Draft discussion suspended