This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/45 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:33:48 GMT draft #45: Unnamed NML objects - NML WG - Open Grid Forum

draft #45

Unnamed NML objects

Added by Jeroen van der Ham almost 10 years ago.

Status:submitted Start date:11/30/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-


Taken from:

Currently, all NML Network Objects MUST have an id so that they can be referred to.

Proposal: Change this required to:
  • NML Network Objects MAY have an id so that they can be referred to.
  • NML network objects MAY be unnamed.
  • NML network objects MAY have a local id, which is only valid in scope of one NML description and MUST NOT be referred
    to from another NML description.

Rationale for unnamed network objects: Sometimes it is only needed to describe that an NML object exists without giving
it a name.

The following example combines two unidirectional Links to a BidirectionalLink without giving the BidirectionalLink an
explicit name:
<nml:Port idRef="" />
<nml:Port idRef="" />

Rationale for network objects with a local name: Sometimes a domain does not describe its Topology in detail, but
another Topology may want to refer to some detail of that Topology. Currently, it needs to create a full URI for an
object in another domain, which may be awkward (it seems strange to name something in someone else's Topology). In those
cases, a local name may suffice.

In the following example, the domain likes to describe a end-to-end Link that uses a link through, but unfortunately did not define a URI for this Link, only for the containing LinkGroup
. can resolve this as follows:

&lt;nml:LinkGroup idRef=""&gt;
&lt;nml:Link idRef="#890d0503fe"&gt;
&lt;nml:label type="vlan"&gt;42&lt;/nml:label&gt;
&lt;nml:Link idRef=""&gt;
&lt;nml:Relation type="isSerialCompoundLink"&gt;
&lt;nml:Link id=""&gt;
&lt;nml:Relation type="next"&gt;
&lt;nml:Link idRef="#890d0503fe" /&gt;
&lt;nml:Link idRef="#890d0503fe" /&gt;

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/45 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 01:33:50 GMT