This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/179 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:30:53 GMT document #179: Calendar pattern time zone symbol fallback behaviour - DFDL WG - Open Grid Forum

document #179

Calendar pattern time zone symbol fallback behaviour

Added by Steve Hanson about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Status:closed Start date:09/25/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Michael Beckerle % Done:


Target version:-
Document Type:Proposed Recommendation


It is not sufficient in the spec just to list the symbols and describe them in the current simple way, as there is often a fallback behaviour if a particular symbol does not have a meaning in a particular time zone.


Updated by Steve Hanson about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from public comment to closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100


Erratum 4.4 created. GWD.207 updated.

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This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/179 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:30:53 GMT