This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/117 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:54:47 GMT document #117: Data Format Description Language (DFDL) v1.0 Specification - Editor - Open Grid Forum

document #117

Data Format Description Language (DFDL) v1.0 Specification

Added by Steve Hanson about 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:published Start date:09/13/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:10/15/2013
Assignee:Greg Newby % Done:


Target version:-
Document Type:Proposed Recommendation


This is a revision of the DFDL 1.0 specification which includes all issues and errata raised up to end August 2013.
It is intended to obsolete GFD.174.
The new revision should remain as a Proposed Recommendation.

gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.4.pdf - DFDL v1.0 Specification - Sept 2013 (1.6 MB) Michael Beckerle, 09/13/2013 04:40 PM

gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.4.pdf - GFD.207 (pdf) (2.5 MB) Steve Hanson, 09/10/2014 04:13 AM

gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.3-obsolete.pdf - Obsolete GFD.174 (pdf) (1.2 MB) Steve Hanson, 09/10/2014 04:13 AM

gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.4.docx - GFD.207 (Word) (1.2 MB) Steve Hanson, 09/10/2014 04:13 AM

gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.3-obsolete.doc - Obsolete GFD.174 (Word) (2.3 MB) Steve Hanson, 09/10/2014 04:13 AM


Updated by Greg Newby about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from submitted to initial review
  • Assignee set to David Martin

Thanks for this. As discussed via email, the intention is to get the document into this tracker ASAP, and the GFSG will consider fast-tracking it to publication.

It will be GFD-R-P.207 when published.

Updated by Michael Beckerle about 9 years ago

Document is now attached.

Updated by Alan Sill about 9 years ago

The GFSG is willing to waive its initial review and move this document immediately to public comment if the area director agrees.

If there are no objections from the AD or the participants, we are also willing to consider shortening the public comment period - but we need to understand the reasons for doing so.

Updated by Redmine Admin about 9 years ago

PubCom Tracker is created.

Updated by Steve Hanson about 9 years ago

Reasons for proposing a reduced public comment period:

1) IBM's implementation of DFDL has been available in the hands of real users for nearly 2 years. Any issues with the spec that have been raised by users and WG members have been incorporated into an errata document published on Redmine, and linked to by the IBM DFDL documentation. The revised specification incorporates these errata and nothing else, so it can be argued that the changes have been publicly visible, and available for comment, for some time already.

2) The DFDL WG has received several requests from implementation teams and end users to make the revised specification public, and we want this to happen at the earliest opportunity, so that people do not have to refer to the original specification and the errata document together. Also in October IBM will ship its next release of IBM DFDL and wants to include the revised specification (web version).

Updated by Greg Newby about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from initial review to public comment
  • Assignee changed from David Martin to Andre Merzky

Updated by Steve Hanson about 9 years ago

3) Given where the two implementations are, with some spec features still to be implemented, it is inevitable that more errata will be found over the next year, so the WG anticipates that a further revision will be needed anyway. It is this next revision that the WG would move through to full Grid Recommendation, and would have full 60 day public comment.

Updated by Steve Hanson about 9 years ago

Agreed between DFDL WG, Alan Sill and David Martin that public comment for this GFD-P-R would be 30 days, to match the two experience documents.

Updated by Redmine Admin about 9 years ago

I changed the public comment forum entry to reflect the 30 day period.

Updated by Redmine Admin about 9 years ago

  • Due date set to 10/15/2013

Updated by Greg Newby almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from public comment to author action

Authors/editors: Public comment for this document is complete. Would you please review comments, and respond there or here as appropriate? You can make further changes to the document if needed. When the final document is ready for the next standards council review, please indicate that in this tracker, or via email. Thanks,

Updated by Redmine Admin over 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andre Merzky to Steve Hanson

Updated by Greg Newby about 8 years ago

Update from standards telecon July 8: The group is working on all 3 pending documents, and will met at the upcoming OGF.

Updated by Steve Hanson about 8 years ago

Attached are GFD.174 marked as obsolete, and its replacement GFD.207.

Updated by Alan Sill about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from author action to AD review
  • Assignee changed from Steve Hanson to David Martin

David to confirm this is ready for publication and sign off on the plan to publish this as a document that obsoletes GFD.174 with the same spec version (DFDL 1.0) and that all public comments have been incorporated. Greg to confirm this is ready for publication, then 2-week GFSG review can begin at next GFDSG meeting once these steps have been done.

Updated by Steve Hanson about 8 years ago

To head off a potential question ...

There are two public comments not incorporated into the updated GFD.207. One is because neither implementation has looked at that area yet (bi-di text), and the other is because we are contemplating a rewrite of the affected section to improve readability. The DFDL-WG will address these in future errata - see my update above from a year ago marked 3).

Updated by Greg Newby about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from AD review to final review

Updated by Alan Sill about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from final review to to be published
  • Assignee changed from David Martin to Andre Merzky

Cleared GFSG final review 2014-10-28

Updated by Greg Newby about 8 years ago


As mentioned in the tracker, this is GFD-R-P.207. And, the Web version is also ready. Thanks,

Updated by Redmine Admin almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from to be published to published
  • Assignee changed from Andre Merzky to Greg Newby

This has been published, and can be announced.

(Other formats not available in this archive.

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/117 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:54:51 GMT