This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /boards/15/topics/50?r=336 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:30:52 GMT lengthKind='endOfData' and delimiter scanning - Public Comments Archive - Open Grid Forum

lengthKind='endOfData' and delimiter scanning

Added by Michael Beckerle about 9 years ago

Spec says: "When a simple or complex element has a specified length or dfdl:lengthKind ‘pattern’ then delimiter scanning is suspended for the duration of the processing of that element."

What about lengthKind endOfData? Does that shut off delimiter scanning too?

Replies (5)

Resolved: lengthKind='endOfData' and delimiter scanning - Added by Steve Hanson about 9 years ago

From 12.3.6, lengthKind 'endOfParent' is not allowed when parent lengthKind is 'delimited', which implies that delimiter scanning should be suspended for 'endOfParent'. Section should be updated, and the title brought up-to-date with the content.

Also the first paragraph of section 12.3.6 was not updated when erratum 2.72 was added. It should make clear the allowable lengthKinds of the parent element, as per the following bullets.

Also several DFDL properties mentioned in 12.3.6 do not have dfdl: prefix.

Resolved: lengthKind='endOfData' and delimiter scanning - Added by Steve Hanson over 8 years ago

New erratum 4.9 added to experience document 1 to cover update to
Also need editorial changes for 12.3.6, as noted.

Resolved: lengthKind='endOfData' and delimiter scanning - Added by Steve Hanson over 8 years ago

The editorial changes to 12.3.6 are covered under the rewrite of 12.3.6 in public comment 52 (erratum 4.10).

DONE - RE: lengthKind='endOfData' and delimiter scanning - Added by Michael Beckerle over 8 years ago

Changes to (erratum 4.9) are in draft-gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.4-r06.docx


This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /boards/15/topics/50?r=336 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:30:52 GMT