This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /boards/15/topics/170?r=311 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:30:52 GMT bnaryBooleanTrueRep description bugs - Public Comments Archive - Open Grid Forum

bnaryBooleanTrueRep description bugs

Added by Steve Hanson almost 9 years ago

1) When empty string (meaning any value other than binaryBooleanFalseRep) what value is used when unparsing, or is that implementation defined?

2) Sentence "If a boolean element has specified length expression or a prefix length" should just be "If a boolean element has specified length"

Replies (5)

RE: bnaryBooleanTrueRep description bugs - Added by Steve Hanson almost 9 years ago

Comment 2) above is not correct. The paragraph is highlighting the difference between dynamic and static length specification. Here's what it says today:

"If a boolean element has specified length expression or a prefix length, then is is a processing error if the length is not between 1 bit and 32 bits (4 bytes). It is a schema definition error if the value is a string literal, and is not in the same range. It is a schema definition error if the value (when provided) of the binaryBooleanTrueRep cannot fit as an unsigned binary integer in the specified length."

The first two sentences are re-stating the rules that are now spelled out in section 'Length of Binary Boolean Elements'. I think the paragraph should therefore be:

"The length of the data value of the element must be between 1 bit and 32 bits (4 bytes) as described in section It is a schema definition error if the value (when provided) of dfdl:binaryBooleanTrueRep cannot fit as an unsigned binary integer in the specified length."

(Same for binaryBooleanFalseRep)

Resolved - RE: bnaryBooleanTrueRep description bugs - Added by Michael Beckerle almost 9 years ago

For unparsing - if binaryBooleanTrueRep is "", then use the one's complement of the binaryBooleanFalseRep.

Improve wording - remove duplication per reply(1) above, and reference section

Resolved: bnaryBooleanTrueRep description bugs - Added by Steve Hanson over 8 years ago

New erratum 4.23 in experience document 1.

DONE - RE: bnaryBooleanTrueRep description bugs - Added by Michael Beckerle over 8 years ago

change in draft-gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.4-r06.docx


This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /boards/15/topics/170?r=311 at Thu, 03 Nov 2022 23:30:52 GMT