The VOMS-PROC WG will provide recommendations for the interpretations of VOMS Attribute Certificates in chained identity credentials.
In particular, the working group will provide guidance on (i) determining the effective attribute set for collated VOMS attributes as presented in a hierarchical chain of identity credentials, (ii) the order in which attributes are to be interpreted, and (iii) how to determine the set of valid attributes in case one out of a bag of VOMS ACs at the same level has expired. Secondly, the WG will review the validation guidance given in GFD.182 and consider any necessary revisions to section 4.4 therein, in view of the proposed recommendations. Thirdly, the WG will document the current understanding of how validation parsing rules should be applied for collated VOMS attributes when used in a SAML environment.
- Mailing list: voms-proc-wg@ogf.org
- Homepage: http://www.ogf.org/
admin: David Groep, Mike Jones
chair: Mike Jones
member: David Groep, Jens Jensen, Mike Jones, Mischa Sallé, Paul Millar
Git Repository
Developer URL
- gitosis@redmine.ogf.org:standards/security-area/voms-proc-wg.git
Read-Only URL
- http://redmine.ogf.org/git/standards/security-area/voms-proc-wg.git