The Astro-CG Community Group (which inherits part of its scope from the
former Astro-RG12[13]) aims at becoming the natural framework where
entities dealing with e-Infrastructures of different nature and operating
within the heterogeneous A&A community distributed worldwide (national
and international institutions, organizations and initiatives, large-scale projects,
providers of specific national and trans-national e-Infrastructures) can meet,
exchange experiences, share common issues, collaborate looking for
possible solutions and provide interoperability paths between different e-
Infrastructures and the underlying technologies.
To this end the definition of services and interfaces enabling the integration
of e-Infrastructures and of their related resources used by astronomers
for their scientific needs is of utmost importance and should be the natural
consequence of the main actions pursued by Astro-CG, namely the discussion
and cross-fertilization between communities.
The Astro-CG Community Group, in particular, should greatly help in the effort of
understanding and overcoming issues and limitations that have hampered
until now a massive and profitable exploitation of DCIs and their related
technologies by the A&A community to achieve its scientific objectives.
- Homepage: http://www.ogf.org/
Git Repository
Developer URL
- gitosis@redmine.ogf.org:community/astro-cg.git
Read-Only URL
- http://redmine.ogf.org/git/community/astro-cg.git