This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/73 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:54:53 GMT document #73: garzoglio-koeroo-fedsec-authz-interop - Editor - Open Grid Forum

document #73


Added by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:published Start date:04/08/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Greg Newby % Done:


Target version:-
Document Type:Community Practice


Version as of March 11, 2012. Group is fedsec-cg, and editors of doc are Gabriele Garzoglio from FNAL and Oscar Koeroo
from NIKHEF.

GridForge tracker log:

Greg Newby: 03/04/2013 2:47 PM EST

Update from the March 4 telecon: the AD has not yet had news about this
document, and hopes to get an update soon from the authors/editors.
Action:  Update

Greg Newby: 10/18/2012 4:35 PM EDT

Authors/editors: public comment is complete.  Please review comments and
respond as appropriate/desired. If needed, you can make changes to the
submitted document.
Once you are ready for the next step in the review process (which is standards
council review), please update this tracker, or send an email message.
Thanks, Greg Newby, OGF Editor
Action:  Update 
Assigned To: changed from Andre Merzky to Jens Jensen
Priority changed: from 3 to 2
Status changed: from Public Comment Period to Author Action Needed

Greg Newby: 08/29/2012 3:12 PM EDT

The public comment tracker is here:
Authors/editors, please solicit comments from your constituents.
Action:  Update

Greg Newby: 07/31/2012 6:01 PM EDT

Awaiting move to public comment.
Action:  Update 
Assigned To: changed from Joel Replogle to Andre Merzky

Greg Newby: 06/22/2012 2:03 PM EDT

Per emails among the standards council, ADs and others, we will move this
directly to public comment as soon as Joel is back & recovered from OGF35.
There was some discussion among the submitter concerning the copyright
statement, which have been resolved.
Action:  Update 
Assigned To: changed from Jens Jensen to Joel Replogle
Priority changed: from 4 to 3
Status changed: from GFSG Review: Initial to Public Comment Period

Greg Newby: 05/22/2012 3:03 PM EDT

Thanks for this submission.  The header/footer & front matter are not quite
right, but otherwise this seems ready for initial standards council review.
We'll schedule it for June 5 or soon thereafter.
Action:  Update 
Priority changed: from 3 to 4
Resolution changed: from Accepted to none (no value)
Status changed: from Editor Review: Initial to GFSG Review: Initial

Jens Jensen: 05/22/2012 12:03 PM EDT

Attachment:  draft-gwdc-garzoglio-koeroo-authz-interop-xacml-v1.pdf (382.3 KB) 
Action: Create
Added an attachment.

draft-gwdc-garzoglio-koeroo-authz-interop-xacml-v1.pdf (382.3 kB) Redmine Admin, 04/08/2013 04:45 PM

AuthZInterop XACML Profile OGF v1.2i.doc (274.5 kB) Redmine Admin, 04/08/2013 05:03 PM

AuthZInterop XACML Profile OGF v1.2i.pdf (470 kB) Redmine Admin, 04/08/2013 05:03 PM

AuthZInterop XACML Profile OGF v1.2i-jj.doc - v1.2i with AD comments (264.5 kB) Jens Jensen, 04/19/2013 01:01 PM

AuthZInterop XACML Profile OGF v1.2j.doc (260 kB) Jens Jensen, 04/21/2013 06:01 AM

AuthZInterop XACML Profile OGF v1.2j.doc (258.5 kB) Redmine Admin, 06/17/2013 09:26 AM

GFD.205.pdf (530.2 kB) Redmine Admin, 06/17/2013 09:26 AM


Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • Document Type set to Community Practice

Updated by Alan Sill over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from author action to AD review

Jens to review changes before final GFSG review

Updated by Jens Jensen over 9 years ago

OK, I have finally finished reading through the document again. I have made a number of (proposed) corrections, mostly minor inconsistencies and nothing that substantially alters the meaning of the document. I recommend that the authors review (and accept my proposed changes.

I am satisfied that the group have addressed the public comments (plus my earlier comments from the previous review), except one where a specific named person is listed as contact for a namespace - which may be fine, if we are happy to have a single named person rather than a generic contact email address.

I'd emphasise that my corrections are minor and the document does not need to go back to public review.

Updated by Greg Newby over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from AD review to final review

Thanks. Next, we will put this through final standards council review, prior to publication.

Updated by Jens Jensen over 9 years ago

AD final proofreading finally finished and the authors have accepted the last nitpicks, typos, corrections. No changes alter the meaning of the document, only clarity, so does not need to go back to public comments. AD is satisfied public comments have been addressed.

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Jens Jensen to Andre Merzky

fix IPR and publish.

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andre Merzky to Greg Newby

Greg, I don't think we have an GFD number assigned to this one yet, or do we?

Thanks, Andre.

Updated by Greg Newby over 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Greg Newby to Andre Merzky

The IPR boilerplate template needs updating. This will be published as GFD-CP.205.

Updated by Redmine Admin over 9 years ago

updated header & IPR, converted to PDF, published -- can be announced.

(Other formats not available in this archive.

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /issues/73 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:55:00 GMT