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Jon Kerr Nilsen, 08/08/2012 05:32 AM
List of fields under consideration for recording storage usage¶
ValidDuration or TimeDuration or none of the two¶
None of the two, using StartTime and EndTime instead
Fields that are needed by the storage accounting in the other blocks:¶
- local user
- local group
- measurement time
- start time
- end time
- sitename (label for set of resources that have some kind of logical grouping) (Admin domain on GLUE)
- (global) user identity
- (global) group and subgroups (group attribute)
This is the block property of the storage usage fields. Similar blocks for compute and other resources should also be added.
<ur:StorageUsageBlock> <!—Storage Record properties go in here --> </ur:StorageUsageBlock> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageSystem or ~Host This property is part of the StorageUsageBlock and describes the storage system on which the resources have been consumed. This value should be chosen in such a way that it globally identifies the storage system, on which resources are being consumed (eg., the FQDN of the storage system could be used). Example <pre> <ur:StorageSystem></ur:StorageSystem> </pre> *The StorageSystem property MUST be present in the record. *The StorageSystem field MUST have the type string. *The StorageSystem value SHOULD be constructed in such a way, that it globally identifies the storage system. h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageShare This property describes the part of of the storage system which is accounted for in the record. For a storage system, which is split into several logical parts, this can be used to account for consumption on each of these parts. The value should be able to identity the share of the storage system, given the storage system property. *The StorageShare field type MUST be a string Example <pre> <sr:StorageShare>pool-003</sr:StorageShare> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageMedia This property describes the media type of storage that is accounted for in the record, e.g. “disk” or “tape”. This allows for accounting of different backend storage types. *The StorageMedia field type MUST be a string. Example <pre> <sr:StorageMedia>disk</sr:StorageMedia> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageMedia or StorageType This property is part of the StorageUsageBlock and describes the media type of storage that is accounted for in the record (eg.: “disk” or “tape”. This allows for accounting of different backend storage types). *The StorageMedia field type MUST be a string. Example <pre> <ur:StorageMedia>disk</ur:StorageMedia> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageClass This property describes the class of the stored data, e.g. ”pinned”, ”replicated”, ”precious”. This is a descriptive value, which allows the storage system to provide details about the stored data. *The StorageClass field type MUST be a string. Example <pre> <sr:StorageClass>replicated</sr:StorageClass> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. DirectoryPath This property describes the directory path being accounted for. If the property is included in the record, the record should account for all usage in the directory and only that directory. *The DirectoryPath field type MUST be a string. Example <pre> <sr:DirectoryPath>/projectA</sr:DirectoryPath> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. FileCount This property describes the number of files which are accounted for in the record. *The FileCount field type MUST be a positive non-zero integer. Example <pre> <sr:FileCount>42</sr:FileCount> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageResourceCapacityUsed This property is part of the StorageUsageBlock and describes the number of physical bytes used on the storage system. This is the main metric for measuring resource consumption. It should include all resources for which the identity of the record is accountable for. *The ResourceCapacityUsed property MUST be present in the record. *The ResourceCapacityUsed field type MUST be a nonnegative integer. * ResourceCapacityUsed SHOULD include all resources that are used to store the files. The value MAY also include resources that are no longer in use but are unavailable for reuse, as documented in the appropriate SLA or usage policy documents. Example <pre> <ur:StorageResourceCapacityUsed>14728</ur:StorageResourceCapacityUsed> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ---- h2. StorageLogicalCapacityUsed This property is part of the StorageUsageBlock and describes the number of logical bytes used on the storage system. This is the main metric for measuring resource allocation. It should include all resources for which the identity of the record is accountable for. *The LogicalCapacityUsed field type MUST be a nonnegative integer. Example <pre> <ur:StorageLogicalCapacityUsed>54636</ur:StorageLogicalCapacityUsed> </pre> h3. Comments: Ralph: ok ----