This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/nomcom/wiki/Notes_2014-02-07/annotate/3 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:01:59 GMT NomCom - Open Grid Forum

Notes 2014-02-07

Version 3 (Redmine Admin, 02/07/2014 04:10 PM)

1 1 Redmine Admin
h1. Notes 2014-02-07
2 1 Redmine Admin
3 1 Redmine Admin
* side note: link to AD list on OGF pages is not-authorized by default
4 1 Redmine Admin
* FD: Advisory Committee / Board  
5 1 Redmine Admin
** people who think its important but don't have much time 
6 1 Redmine Admin
** may help to increase ties with community
7 1 Redmine Admin
** also tasked with representing OGF
8 3 Redmine Admin
9 3 Redmine Admin
* populating GFSG from chairs
10 3 Redmine Admin
** give chairs option to be involved w/o having AD duties attached
11 3 Redmine Admin
** auto-add to GFSG (list/calls)
12 3 Redmine Admin
** keep them posted with frequent internal GFSG / OGF updates
13 3 Redmine Admin
14 3 Redmine Admin
* AD to group matching not on Areas, but individually
15 3 Redmine Admin
** note about potential conflict of interest if ADs are growing out of groups they are to shepherd.
16 3 Redmine Admin
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/nomcom/wiki/Notes_2014-02-07/annotate/3 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:01:59 GMT