This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/nomcom/wiki/Draft_OGF_Structure/diff/2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:44:14 GMT NomCom - Open Grid Forum

Draft OGF Structure

Version 1 (Redmine Admin, 02/06/2014 08:28 AM) → Version 2/7 (Redmine Admin, 02/06/2014 08:28 AM)

h1. Draft OGF Structure

h2. OGF Structure as defined in "GFD.2":

* working groups (produce documents)

* chartered w/ milestones, somewhat defined lifetime

* chairs (2/3)

* secretary (opt)

* members (whoever is on mailing list)
* research groups (may produce documents)
* chairs / secretary / members
* vaguagly chartered
* indefinite lifetime
* may spawn WG
* community groups
* chairs / secretary / members
* indefinite lifetime
* represent community input to drive WGs/RGs
* area
* collection of WGs and RGs by topic
* structure of areas are up to GFSG
* area directors are (usually) assigned to areas, overseeing 1 or 2 groups each

h2. Proposed Amendments

* areas are static, not a good match for group topics, very different sizes/activities
* no static areas, but tags to groups
* DRMAA: API, Compute
* OCCI: Cloud, Compute
* GLUE: Infrastructure, Compute, Data, Networking
* assign ADs to explicit set of groups, according to their specialization / experience
* feedback between CG and RG/WG not functional, no active CGs left
* focus CGs around short living efforts (plug feasts, workshops, implementations, OGF events, ...)
* very low overhead of forming and disbanding(!) CGs
* RG/WG structure seems to work ok
* weed out dead groups

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/nomcom/wiki/Draft_OGF_Structure/diff/2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:44:14 GMT