This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/nomcom/wiki/Draft_OGF_Management_Structure/diff/2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:44:14 GMT NomCom - Open Grid Forum

Draft OGF Management Structure

Version 1 (Redmine Admin, 02/06/2014 08:38 AM) → Version 2/7 (Redmine Admin, 02/06/2014 11:37 AM)

h1. Draft OGF Management Structure

h2. OGF Structure as defined in "GFD.3":

* OGF Chair / Vice Chair
** ensure group process, coherence
** organize events
** oversees web presence
** oversees (chairs) GFSG (group management, document process
** is now called 'VP of Standards'
** vice chairs support chairs, selected by chair from GFSG

** area directors + OGF Chair + senior OGF members (AD at large)
** manage document process (with editor)
** manage groups

* Editor
** see "GFD.152":
** member of GFSG
** manages OGF document pipeline, with support from GFSG

* Advisory Committee
** external strategy advise
** currently non-functional

h2. Previous Proposed Amendments

* OGF Chair split into President / VP Standards / VP Community / VP Liaison
** in practical terms all tasks are again with the VP Standards right now

* OGF Board of Directors
** draws members from paying member organization
** required on legal grounds
** operates currently on bare minimum

h2. Proposed Amendments

* OGF size is small:
** keep board minimal
** define clearly the roles of
*** President
**** external representation
*** VP Standards
**** Chair GFSG, support GFSG tasks
*** VP Events
**** organize OGF meetings
**** could be newly assigned per event, e.g. to local organizer
*** VP Liaison
**** manages interactions with other SDOs
**** could be split among multiple people, but needs clear mandate
** AD positions should be allowed to double with any of the VP positions
*** we have a small pool of people
*** simplifies rotating positions such as VP Events
** consider of promoting
make group chairs to (or one chair per group) members of GFSG -- i.e., auto-nominate group chairs???

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/nomcom/wiki/Draft_OGF_Management_Structure/diff/2 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:44:14 GMT