This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/it-og/wiki/Redmine_Project_Setup/annotate/4 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:45:19 GMT IT - Open Grid Forum

Redmine Project Setup

Version 4 (Redmine Admin, 05/05/2012 03:16 PM)

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h1. Redmine Project Setup
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h2. "Documents" Tab
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The default 'Documents' tab in Redmine is somewhat limited.  I installed the DMSF module as a better version, which has most of the features we know from GridForge.  The tab has the same name -- so one needs to disable the original 'Documents' tab, and to enable the 'DMSF' tab, in the module settings for each project.
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h2. "Mailing List" and "Project Info" Tabs
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The solution I found is not perfect, as it needs some manual setup, but it is relatively simple:
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  * I installed the 'embedded' plugin for redmine, which allows to define a new project tab
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  * in the plugin config, the tab name is set to 'Mailing List', and the tab content points to /var/www/redmine/doc/details/{PROJECT}/
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  * for each project, one needs to create that directory, and in there have an index.html like this one for the saga-wg:
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      root@ogfapp:/var/www/redmine/doc/details/saga-wg# cat index.html
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      <iframe width="100%" height='2000' scrolling="no" frameborder='no' src=""></iframe></pre>
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    which gets the respective mailman page displayed in an iframe on that tab.
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I have a similar solution for the project info:  there is a 'tab' plugin which provides an additional tab per project.  For each project which enables that plugin, the project settings have an additional key 'ProjectInfo', which can be defined by the project.  For the saga-wg again, that is for example set to 
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  <iframe width="100%" height='2000' scrolling="no" frameborder='no' src=""></iframe>
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and you can probably guess what that shows :-)
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Projects which do not have a mailing list, or which do not want to show separate project info, should disable the respective modules in the project settings.
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I did not find a way to do both tabs with a single module, but if the above scheme proves to be too limited, I'll try to expand the tab embedded plugin to serve our needs.
This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/it-og/wiki/Redmine_Project_Setup/annotate/4 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 15:45:19 GMT