Modern e-Science applications and high-technology industry regularly deal with large volumes of data that must be stored, processed and visualized. This requires dedicated high-speed network infrastructures. Most Grid and Cloud usage scenarios for collaboration can benefit from combined Grid and network resource provisioning. Provisioning infrastructure services on-demand can improve performance and also address other issues such as application-centric manageability, consistency of security services, and energy efficiency (which is emerging as a forefront issue). The infrastructure on-demand provisioning model requires that a number of services and resource management systems interoperate at different stages within the whole provisioning process. However, in current practice, different systems and provisioning stages are not connected into a single unified workflow.
The On-demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning (ISOD) Research Group (RG) will explore frameworks that support on-demand infrastructure services provisioning, and new emerging operational and business models for infrastructure virtualisation, such as Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The proposed effort will investigate architecture and components that reflect the requirements and capabilities of both infrastructure and applications providers. The recommendations will define a general approach to building dynamically provisioned, composable services and corresponding service delivery framework and workflow. The ISOD RG will also explore frameworks for providing consistent security services for dynamically provisioned, combined network and IT resources and applications. The ISOD RG will follow and intend to contribute to standardisation activity at OGF, IETF, NIST and other related standardisation bodies.
- Homepage: http://www.ogf.org/
- GridForge Project (historical): https://forge.ogf.org/sf/projects/isod-rg
Git Repository
Developer URL
- gitosis@redmine.ogf.org:standards/infrastructure-area/isod-rg.git
Read-Only URL
- http://redmine.ogf.org/git/standards/infrastructure-area/isod-rg.git