This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/drmaa-wg/wiki/TrackerStateModel?version=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:04:46 GMT TrackerStateModel - DRMAA WG - Open Grid Forum

Tracker Status Codes

The DRMAA ticket system summarizes identified issues with the DRMAA specifications. Each issue has a particular status, according to the following rules:

"Open": This is a new unconfirmed issue, not recognized / discussed so far in the group.

"Pending": The issue is under discussion, but there is no formal decision so far. The tracker item comments should reflect the current status of discussion, either by text or by references to the DRMAA mailing list archive.

"Delayed": The group agreed upon the fact that this issue will not make it to the current major release of the according specification document. Further discussions are delayed to a later point in time.

"Resolved": The group agreed on a final resolution, but this is so far not reflected in any document. The comments for the tracker item should clearly describe the resolution, or refer to an according DRMAA mailing list archive entry.

"Rejected": The group agreed upon the fact that this is not an issue.

"Fixed": The group agreed on a final resolution, which was applied to the according specification document. This new version of the document is not public so far.

"Closed": The group agreed on a final resolution. The latest public version of the document contains the according changes. The issue record is only kept for historical reasons.

Status changes are possible according to the following rules:

Open -> Pending || Delayed || Resolved || Invalid

Pending -> Delayed || Resolved || Invalid

Delayed -> Pending

Resolved -> Fixed

Invalid ->

Fixed -> Closed

Closed ->

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /projects/drmaa-wg/wiki/TrackerStateModel?version=1 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 00:04:46 GMT