DFDL Schema for MIL-STD-2045 binary message header - updated
Improved and simplified based on review commentary on the earlier version.
This schema has been updated based on thorough review of the original version. The result is greatly superior. It is far simpler now, and is a much better illustration of how to use the dfdl:bitOrder property, which was added to DFDL in order to support this sort of dense binary data formats.
Conformance with the DFDL specification has also been improved - Some missing properties that are required by the DFDL standard are now present. Also, prior versions were depending upon some artifacts of the Daffodil DFDL implementation that are not conforming (and those bugs have been reported.)
This DFDL schema can be used with the Daffodil DFDL implementation -- where the dfdl:bitOrder feature of DFDL was prototyped and implemented.