* Review v26 - Andrew reporting - Were the activity port type operations just added back in? NO -- Maybe, need to re-look at this -- Do we just want to get rid of the first three operations on the activity? Vote, at least get rid of the first and third operations (GetStatus, and GetDocument operations) -- Does GetContainerAttributesDocument belong on the factory port type? Vote, majority says stay -- Perhaps, BES-Factory Port Type should be renamed. Vote, majority says not to change the name Taken care of - Action Item: Need to get rid of New -- in firgure 4, 5, 6 Done - Need volunteer to fill in 4.3 -- Action Item: Somebody from Microsoft will volunteer to do this - Action Item: Tom Maguire to define faults - Action Item: Need to capture the aggregation notion that Jay Brought up (wrt BES v. BR attributes) - Jay thinks we should ignore the hierarchical BES example, and work only on the heterogenous resources behind a BES container, after that, if we want, come back to the hierarchical case. - Needs to be discussed, but not now -- Let's get the document into public comment, do some interop, then we fix it before the final version goes to the editor. - Need to fix the TBD type for Naming Profile -- We should use the claim URIs from profiles -- Cardinality should be more then one Done - We need to match names of Cancelled and Terminated (make it more consistent) -- 6.2.3, Action Item: Search for Cancelled and put Terminated -- We need to be more consistent in the naming of types (EPR, vs wsa:EndpointReferenceType). Done - consistently terminated. - We need to add the two operations to the BES-Activity port type I'm confused, the earler notes indicate get rid of them. that is the current state of the document. - We need a way of advertising what extensions are supported by the BES done - Can we add this as a BES attriubte (list of 0 or more supported extensions)? Vote, yes, let's do that. Done, new section 6.19 - We shouldn't put JSDL extensions in the BES specification right? -- Vote, delete 8.3.1? Yes, delete it (already done (was the Library extension)) -- The Lifetime Management thing shouldn't be under JSDL section (Stephen moving). Done - Need to update Intelectual property and headers and footers to say OGF (There is a new template out there somewhere) Done - Should we change the namespace? -- Vote, we keep the namespace - Motion to take the container model out of the document -- Belief is that this section is useful, but has come too late in the process -- It should exist, but as a seperate, information document -- Doesn't belong in this document. -- Vote, yes take it out of the document. Done If we do the epsilons, can we push the document into last call. The great majority (in fact, no dissenters) is YES!!!!