* Data session -------------- ** DAIS - Alignment with OGSA doc Globus+IBM and DAIS worked things out prior to GGF. There was no obvious difference between what's in the OGSA document and the DAIS presentation. Comment: DAIS started from RDB but has grown to cover various data sources, e.g., XML and files, hence the overlap with GFS-WG --- see further down. Agreed: Keep watching. ** OREP - Building on top of what DAIS was; a bit out of sync at the moment. Might take a bit to come round. Because of their relation with DAIS we expect that they'll move over to current DAIS abstraction. (No action on our part.) Agreed: Keep watching. ** PA - Not clear yet if OGSA data abstractions are what they need. (Waiting for more refinement.) - They don't claim to be OGSA at the moment. - They are well advanced; they have stuff working. It will take them a while to 'come round'. - Agreed: Let them finish and then look into possibility for an ogsi/ogsa re-factoring. In any case it doesn't affect us too deeply --- mainly implementation from our point of view. ** GFS - Not clear that they want to build on top of DAIS. (SOA too complex for them at the moment?) - They seem to have narrower focus than desired (by us). Not well integrated with what's happening. (They want to support POSIX I/O APIs and (?) global name space services.) - Their 2nd BOF voted to make it a RG (23 for, 8 against) but that doesn't seem right. There are already products out in this space so it is not a new topic. - Agreed: Look at them again when/if they become a WG. * PE session ------------ ** GRAAP - Building on top of OGSI. Alignment with OGSA doc. - Agreed: We have to watch this space. In particular we need to really understand what agreement is, as it is creeping through the entire architecture. We should begin by highlighting all concepts of agreement that *we* are interested in and making sure abstractions are strong enough to be used throughout. - Comments: - It looks like there are still many issues not addressed. Work is in initial stages; needs refinement. - DAIS using agreement. Not sure if they are also defining agreement terms for data.(?) ** JSDL - Presentation not just on job submission description. Willing to explore OGSA role but also looking at other grid environments. - Presentation gave the impression that they are trying to tackle more than what their charter says. They are not. It is just job submission description. - GRAAP is strongly involved in the WG. DRMAA is also interested in it. - JSDL would also like to be used in non-ogsa/agreement settings. - Agreed: Keep watching. ** DRMAA - Interested in exploring role in OGSA. - There is no overlap between DRMAA & JSDL. Think of DRMAA as having defined a job template that can use jsdl inside. - So far the focus has been on legacy stuff. Finishing with C, java binding and may focus next on gwsdl (ogsi) binding. - Agreed: They are not affecting the architecture but the implementation. - Agreed: Useful to continue a dialogue. - Action: Andrew to look into bringing them into PE/Provisioning subgroup. ** GESA - Want to be part of OGSA. Exploring relationship with GRAAP & JSDL. * Core session -------------- ** OGSA-SEC - Alignment with OGSA doc ** AuthZ - OGSI based. ** RUS - Want to be part of OGSA. Relation with UR, GESA. ** UR - Content definition. No obvious conflict. * Platform session ------------------ ** CMM - Most work moved to OASIS-WSDM. Do gap analysis to find new niche. ** P2P - Working on requirements. Feedback to OGSA. ** AA - ??