Make first words more important means that search results will be returned based on the order in which you enter the keywords. For example, if your search string is entered as "java application development", the search will give more weight to documents that include the keyword "java" than to those that include "application", which in turn will be given more weight than documents including only the keyword "development".

All words returns only documents that have all of the keywords you enter ("AND" search).
Any words returns documents that have any of the keywords you enter (i.e., "OR" search).
Substring returns documents that contain words with the substring in them (e.g., a substring search on "think" will return documents with the keywords "think", "unthinkable", "thinktank" etc.)
Exact phrase returns only documents that have the exact phrase you entered.
Fuzzy search will return results that are "close" matches to the keywords you enter, often correcting common spelling errors.
Topic search returns results that include keywords that are topically related to your keyword (e.g., a search on "sport" will return documents that include the word "baseball").