This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9225?download=14259 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:53:20 GMT Frequently Asked Questions

Project Web Server has not yet been populated for this project. Instructions for getting started are below.

What is Project Web Server?

Project Web Server allows users to upload web pages to SourceForge projects. This will enable the projects to have their own websites.
SourceForge supports a Web-based Distributed Authoring Protocol (WebDAV) Server. WebDAV is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. The purpose of WebDAV is to provide file I/O through HTTP. This permits you to load, edit, delete, create subdirectories, and manage files located on the Web Server from the client desktop.
To use Project Web Server you must have a WebDAV client application that supports the WebDAV protocol.

How can I upload web pages into the Project Web Server?

Properly permissioned users can upload files using WebDAV-enabled client applications, such as MS FrontPage and DAV Explorer. To install and use DAV Explorer:
DAV Explorer can be downloaded from the following URL:
Install and run the DAV Explorer. Note: An Install.txt document (available with the tool) will guide you at the time of installation.
Within the DAV Explorer you will see a text box (below the menu), where you have to enter the following URL - <Server Name>/upload/<Project Short Name>. Click the icon, to the left of the text box.
You will be shown a pop-up where you have to enter your user name/password. Enter your SourceForge username/password.
Upon logging in, go to the menu and click File - Write File, to upload files. However, make sure that you have a file by the name index.html, in the files you upload.

How can I view a Project Web Site?

Once a project web site has been created, it can be accessed by:
Clicking the link, Project Web Server on the left navigation within a project in SourceForge.
Typing in the URL directly:https://<server name>/web/<project short name>/index.html
Clicking the Project Web Server Browse link in the project summary page.

Why can't I upload files to the web server?

You may not be properly permissioned. To upload files to the web server, you must be assigned to a role with the PWS File Upload permission. Project administrators can modify your permissions for this project.

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/9225?download=14259 at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:53:20 GMT