OGSA Platform (& Use case matrix) Note: '-' function is mentioned in the Platform document. '+' function added in the Matrix (excel) document. Functions ========= * Basic - Discovery and brokering - Metering and accounting - Data sharing - Virtual organizations - Monitoring - Policy + Instantiate new services (includes provisioning) + Notification/Messaging + Logging + Grouping / Aggregation of Services --- based on policy and functional requirements * Security - Multiple security infrastructures - Perimeter security solutions + Authentication + Authorization + Encryption (communication payload) + Application and Network-level Firewalls + Certification (a particular service is certified to have the correct semantic behaviour) * Resource management - Provisioning - Resource virtualization - Optimization of resource usage while meeting cost targets - Transport management - Usage models (batch or interactive) + Agreement-based interaction (e.g., negotiate Service level agreements) + Extended Service Level Agreements (incorporate cost) - Management and monitoring + Service Level Management - CPU scavenging + Advanced Reservation + Scheduling + Workload Management + Load balancing + Workflow management * System properties - Fault tolerance - Disaster Recovery - Self-healing capabilities - Strong monitoring - Legacy application management - Administration