* Minutes for the Joint RUS/UR WG Telephone Conference, March 23rd, 2007 ** Attendance: Xiaoyu Chen Brunel Univ. RUS-WG Gilbert Netzer KTH RUS-WG Michele Pace INFN ** Agenda *** Date and time of next teleconference Friday, April 20th, 2007, 12:30-13:30 CET *** Draft 19 of the RUS specification Gilbert noted that the specification needs clarification on how to proceed if a user tries to extract a UsageRecord where she only has access to some of the elements in the UsageRecord. He suggests that access should be denied in this case. He also notes that this problem does not occur on writes. Gibert also suggest that a clarification should be inserted into the specification about how namespace mappings are passed to the XPath expressions used as search terms. He suggests that all namespace mappings that are in scope for the surrounding XML element should be available in the XPath expression. Michele pointed out that the RecordHistory element has been removed from the current version 19 of the draft. Xiaoyu explained that this was done to maintain compatibility with the published Usage Record Format that containes elements to record the create history, and that logging information about modification should be retrieved using implementation specific means. Gilbert suggested that a separate method should be used to extract audit data for a UsageRecord. Xiaoyu asks about if the mapping of a possible element should be specified in the RUS Core Specification and/or if it should be part of the advanced specification. Gilbert thinks that this property belongs into UR space and should be handled in the new URF version 2 and that a mapping should go into the advanced specification because the core specification does not concern itself with aggregation and therefor does not need to handle UR content. Xiaoyu asked also about the use of XUpdate in the RUS::modifyUsageRecords method. Gilbert suggested changing the XUpdate to XQuery update extensions since the XUpdate specification seems to not be maintained any more and never advanced beyond draft stage. Gilbert also asked about handling of concurrent modifications. Xiaoyu pointed out that a note about this is already present in the specification. *** RUS Charter Gilbert reported that he send out an updated version of the Charter on the mailing list. Xiaoyu pointed out that LCG-RUS is used as testbed for LCG, he will send an eMail with a clarification so that the Charter can be updated accordingly. *** Other issues Xiaoyu also reported about his work in proges, a RUS Service Developement Toolkit: The Resource Usage Service Development Toolkit defines abstract components conforms to OGF-RUS core and advanced specifications. With the interfaces and abstract classes to be defined in the toolkit, the concrete RUS implementations may implement the core interfaces and classes while optionally implement advanced interfaces and classes as well as extended from the interfaces and classes in order to accommodate to custom requirements for environment or deployment-specific implementations. Within the toolkit, a default simple RUS implementation is provided to ensure the both core and advanced functionalities defined in RUS specification with centralised usage records storage (XML:DB for usage record in the format of OGF-UR). Other Grid services or components that require interacting with RUS service will thereby only depend on this abstract component and concrete implementations will be completely pluggable. Instantiation of concrete implementations will be performed by the factory framework defined in this toolkit.