* Minutes for the Joint RUS/UR WG Telephone Conference, March 9th, 2007 ** Attendance Xiaoyu Chen Brunel Univ. RUS-WG Donal K. Fellows Manchester Univ. UR-WG Gilbert Netzer , KTH RUS-WG Markus Norden Uppsala Univ. UR-WG Rosario M. Piro INFN RUS-WG Morris Riedel , FZ Juelich RUS-WG ** Agenda *** (a) RUS&UR OGF19 issues and roadmap discussions, including charter issues Short summary about the planned developement of the RUS specification. More information can be found in the Roadmap on the RUS gridforge. Follow the idea of the ByteIO specification. ACTION: Morris and Gilbert will go over the group Charter and submit it to the AD as soon as possible. ACTION: Morris will put the OGF19 slides on the ogf website asap. *** (b) Short news about the recently published UR spec. UR specification is published, a next revision is planned. The group needs to recharter itself, this is planned for OGF20. There were quite a few public comment but most of them were out of scope for the current specification, however they are still in the tracker on the gridforge. However aggregation and VO level properties will be in scope for the next UR revision. Especially aggregation requirements will be in scope for the OGF20 discussion. One important aspect is what types of aggregation users are talking about, since there seems to be different ideas. Also UR 2 will consider records for information other the computational jobs. ACTION: Donal will make the new UR schema available on gridforge ACTION: Donal will investigate how to publish the schema on schemas.ogf.org *** (c) Discussions&summary about RUS-18 spec revised by Xiaoyu Chen Presentation is available on the rus gridforge (under documents). Update of the used UR schema and of the Update methods. Donal suggested the creation of an experiences document to collect the experiences with the current RUS draft. In a first phase this also could be done on the Wiki to keep a low profile. Also VO level aggregation within RUS should be investigated since VO properties are currently not part of the UR specification. ACTION: Xiaoyu will upload the draft 18 version of the RUS specification on the gridforge. ACTION: Xiaoyu will evaluate VO level issues in the context of the advanced RUS specification. *** (d) Mapping work on specs/charter to people ACTION: Donal will investigate on aggregation issues for the UR session. ACTION: Morris will follow up on one page RUS issues summary action from OGF19. ACTION: Charter work see under (a). ACTION: Gilbert will start working on the IDL RUS core specification. ACTION: Morris will start working on the RUS core WSRF rendering. ACTION: Xiaoyu will start working on the RUS core WS-I rendering. *** (e) Planning for OGF20 sessions 3 sessions were requested for OGF20: **** Joint RUS and UR WG session: - Aggregation in RUS and UR - URs for more than computational Jobs - VO level properties in URs - Relation between RUS advanced spec and UR 2.0 **** UR session: - Rechartering **** RUS session: - not yet adressed *** (f) Next Telcon The next Telcon is proposed for March 23rd, 2007 12:30-13:30 CET. *** (g) Information about ARC-RUS More information about the knowarc project and its plans for a RUS implementation can be found in their design document (Section 7.2.3): http://www.knowarc.org/documents/Knowarc_D1.1-1_07.pdf