RUS Chairs Phone Conference 2007-01-09 16:00-17:00 CET Attendance: Gilbert Netzer, Secretary Sven van den Berghe Rosario M. Piro Morris Riedel Brunel * Next meeting The time of the next meeting will be discussed by email. * RUS Charter Sven informed us that the charter is due for discussion at a GFSC meeting and that those meetings are usually held on the weekend before the OGF, which would mean January 27th & 28th. We therefore decided that the charter should be completed until then. Work on the charter will mainly be done via the email list. Also we want to seek active input from WG members via the mailing list. We agreed to set a preliminary deadline for the charter one week before OGF19, on January, 19th. To get an idea of the format and content requirements we decided to look at other existing charters and also ask for assistance from the area directors and Steven Newhouse. We also decided after advice from Sven that we should focus on the scope and exit strategy and ask the area directors about the technicalities of the standardisation process. ** Specific questions/actions for selected parts of the charter *** Administrative Information We decided to ask the old secretary (Hariharan Balakrishnan) if he is still active and willing to continue as secretary. If not, the chairs will collaboratively fill the position. *** Scope To clarify the scope of the RUS security model we decided to add that RUS can only be held responsible for establishing the identity of the client (computing element, resource manager or owner) that stores or changes information in the RUS. The purpose of the auditing information in the RUS is exactly to be able to proof who has done which changes and to allow a RUS instance to proof that it has not been altered the stored information in any way other than requested by clients. *** Milestones We wondered if implementations should be contained in the milestones section. Sven informed us that implementations usually are not under the control of the working group and therefore not included in the milestones. However a full standard needs a working implementation. *** Standards Roadmap For this part we think we should get assistance from an area director. Sven volunteered pass a draft charter to the standards WG since they are in close collaboration. * OGF Meeting On OGF19 the RUS WG is having a 90min session to talk about current status and further development of the RUS specification. We thought as a basic guideline to have about 45 minutes of presentation and 45 minutes of discussion, but would rather like to emphasise the discussion part. For the presentation part we thought about the following four items: - Overview about the status of the RUS Specification - Information about existing and upcoming implementations (including early previews if possible) - Roadmap for the further development of the RUS Specification We imagined that the discussion section mainly should focus around the following issues: - Discussion about the new charter We were not certain about that point - Scope of the standard and requirements poll from the users - Get feedback from users - Check if the specification delivers what users require and does not deliver too much. - Enquire about the implementability of the specification - What features are missing? - What features are present but not required and/or wanted? - Discussion about the standard development - How should the specification evolve to allow for development without stopping implementors from using it. - Discussion on relationship of XPath and RUS specification - What XPath expressions should be allowed by the RUS specification. - Allow single elements and/or whole records? As a preliminary schedule for more work on the outline of the OGF meeting and for completing the presentations we agreed that most work will be done in the week before OGF. * Roadmap to specification Currently our plans are to produce a first specification based on the current draft from the mailing list, but adding clarifications to open issues and minor fixes. New features should be included in a next version of the specification that will maintain backwards compatibility.