This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/12581?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 19:10:24 GMT Relational Grid Information Services Research Group (RGIS-RG)

Relational Grid Information Services Research Group (RGIS-RG)

ggf gif

This is a research group of the Global Grid Forum under the recently merged Information Systems and Performance Area.

Chairs: Steve Fisher <>
Susan Malaika> <>
Mailing List: <> is used for working group communication.
Subscription Request: send an email to <>
with the body "subscribe rgis-rg"
Web Site: Home Page :
Email Archive:


The RGIS research group serves researchers who are exploring approaches based on data models such as the relational data model for defining, communicating, recording, and querying static and dynamic Grid information. It is expected that a working group or groups will be formed to create standards for interoperability.

Related Global Grid Forum Groups outside the ISP area

RGIS-RG is a research group. RGIS-RG is exploring areas for further work concerning databases, especially when databases are used as part of the grid infrastructure itself. The Database Access and Integration Services (DAIS) group is producing a specification for data access to existing databases on the grid. OGSA-DAI is one possible reference implementation for DAIS. RGIS-RG complements the efforts of the DAIS group. They may interact in two ways. Data access and integration may generate requirements that should be met by grid information systems. Grid information systems may generate requirements that should be met by data access and integration services.

Next Agenda


  1. Coordinate among different reseach efforts, producing informational drafts. The goal of this coordination is to further the research efforts of the individual groups through cross-pollination.
  2. Create an archive of GIS and performance data, and traces of queries to this data, and write an informational draft describing the traces and their properties
  3. Develop appropriate extensible schemas and indices for Grid information, including an extensible type hierarchy for data objects, and the definition of a set of core types. This will be done in cooperation with the GIS and Performance working groups. This is expected to produce at least two informational drafts
  4. Determine whether spinning off a working group is warranted (due: 2003)
In addition, the group may pursue the following goals:
  1. Define a set of use cases, producing informational draft
  2. Define a set of common "canned queries", producing informational draft
These milestones all need reconsidering during GGF8


Papers (Informational Drafts)

This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/12581?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 19:10:45 GMT