Date: July 18th, 2006 Chris Jordan/GFS Working Group presentation of RNS and GFS Participants: Jay Unger, IBM Ellen Stokes, IBM Ian Foster, ANL Ravi Subramiavan, Intel Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Andreas Savva, Fujitsu David Snelling, Fujitsu Mark Morgan, UoV (via phone) Dave Berry, NESC (via phone) Chris Jordan, SDSC (via phone) 1. RNS presentation There is a question about return values of the remove operation - We should allow for multiple returns, but the document doesn't necessarily make it explicit Probably add more explicit explanation of multiple returns from a remove, or require an exact regex match Move operation semantics This is one of the major concerns expressed in the meeting - the issue is primarily related to the atomicity of the operations. The current document says that RNS implementations "SHOULD" make an effort to guarantee that move and delete operations will be atomic, but doesn't require it. From the general discussion, it seems clear that the specification may need to require atomicity instead of just suggesting it Need better explanation of the overall hierarchy, including multiple RNS services There was some question about how the hierarchical organization of RNS services work, particularly with multiple embedded RNS services within a single hierarchy. It is probably a good idea to add more explicit explanation of how the use of RNS to federate other RNS hierarchies works in practice. Hiro points out that we need a WSRF/Basic Profile rendering of the RNS service Discussion of flexibility of RNS in addressing resources and in constructing multi-tier naming schemes - WS-Naming includes the ability to do multi-tier naming with WS-Addresses, and RNS as a specification allows for any form of WS-Address, so it is possible to have abstract names or their equivalent within an RNS implementation Discussion of the use of RNS - RNS is intended to provide a basic service with flexible degrees of functionality, and is explicitly meant to be built upon for GFS and other purposes, via the use of "profiles" requiring more specific types of addresses and more specific types of information included in the attached XML. 2. GFS presentation: Discussion of whether or not the GFS service should provide a Data Access service or whether it is just a sophisticated kind of data-oriented resolution service. GFS group intends to provide some guidelines for the provision of simple data access via ByteIO or something similar, but it is not clear at this point exactly how far the GFS-WG will go in defining data access mechanisms for a Grid File System Discussion of Information Model - Chris pointed out that the information model should be useful in helping GFS and OGSA-Data in general define how data resources are described within the GFS' underlying RNS components Will schedule a time to have further discussion of Information Model on OGSA-WG calls Discussion regarding the use of GFS as it relates to job execution, possibly removing the need for explicit staging of data - Chris will get first version of EMS scenarios document from Hiro.