OGSA 15 - Day 2 - 18 July 2006 - morning - Info Model (2) ========================================================= * Participants Jay Unger Ellen Stokes Steve McGough Ian Foster Ravi Subramaniam Marvin Theimer Hiro Kishimoto Chris Smith Nick Werstiuk Glenn Wasson Michel Drescher Andreas Savva Pete Ziu Dave Snelling Andrew Grimshaw Bridge: Darren Pulshipher Fred Maciel * Information model (See Simple Info Model slides) ** Consensus on Concrete model - Use p10 because of its support for Tooling Data Model - XSD - XML Information Model - document describing - Description/Semantics (1) - Architecture [Advertise / Request] (XML) (XQUERY) - Extensibility, and how it is derived from existing models, inclusion of existing XML models (e.g., CIM-XML) XQuery extension to JSDL 1.0 Resources description to be defined by the HPC profile WG as a proof of concept; and the symmetric relationships (p5) approach to be used as a base for next major versions of related specs (BES, JSDL) ** Work Plan Capabilities/Properties -- Normative: Description, semantics, types... XML/XSD (2) - BES Level (1.0) (5) - JSD Level (2.0 (3) - interim 1.x for HPC Profile - Consolidated level (Incorporate GIN/NAREGI/GLUE/CIM) HPC Profile to driver input to model - input to JSDL, BES (4) - do examples (ties to (2) & (3)) - Dependencies of above work: (1) (2) & (3) .-> (4) . . | / | / (5) [see also photo of whiteboard]