** Participants ** David Snelling, Fujitsu Hiro Kishimooto, Fujitsu Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Jay Unger, IBM Jun Tatemura, NEC (via phone) * Jun walks the group through the document "Designing a POSIX component in CDL" written by Jun and with latest edits from Hiro. * Hiro asks Jun to correct his edits while walking through the document. - The newly added elements "cmp:CodeBase" and "bcp:ArchiveType" are effectively the same as "bcp:Binary". * An example in the document is provided how to use these elemeents. * Andreas asks whether the "cdl:ArchiveTye" element is a global element, or an anonmous sub-element of "cdl:PosixApplication". * bcp:PosixApplication is a base type. It is extended to e.g. define the BLAST appplication ddescription for a CDDLM system. * [example XML document] Andreas asks whether the name of a declared file system can be a child element instead of being part of the element name itself. - Yes, this is possible, as given in a proposal later in this document. * Andreas asks whether there is a way to define that the value of an element comes from another element in that CDL document, or whether that is out of scope of CDDLM. - It is not defined by either CDL language spec or component model spec. It should be part of the BasicPosixComponent spec. * Hiro proposes to remove the Environment Variable concept from the PosixComponent (CDL plugin). - Because components can give predefined information that otherwise would have to be encoded in Environment Variables. - The Environment Variables concept os too general to transport such semantically special information like cdl:Hostname (where the applicaiton is to be deployed to). * The group discusses the Environment Variable cconcept, particularly the possibility that, through CDL, the values of certain environment variables can be retrieved from the target deployment system. The group shows consensus that the CDL document needs to carry enviroment variables that must be set on the target system so that the configured application can run. * The group discusses the relationships between "cdl:FileSystem" declarations and the definition of "lazy environment variables". In particular, the group is wondering about the exact mechanismms how the operation that provides the provisioning of the requested FileSystem feeds back the moint point of that file system into the appropriate environment variable PROPOSAL 1a: Use XQuery 1.0 as an interface between the CDL document and the CDL components PROPOSAL 1b: Use xsd:ID/xsd:IDREF to allow relations between elements in CDL documents * Proposals 1a and 1b are recommendations for the further development of CDDLM PROPOSAL 2: Eliminate the EnvironmentVariable concept from the PosixComponent (CDL plugin) * Proposal 2 is specific to the OGSA EMS scenarios document. ** Action Items ** 1) Revise the scenario document (i.e. examples) so that proposal 2 is fulfilled (Andreas, Hiro) 2) Feed back proposals 1a and 1b to the CDDLM Working Group, i.e. pass back the minutes to the WG. Ask Michel in case of any questions related to these proposals. (Jun)