OGSA Telecon, 1 March 2007 8AM Eastern to 9AM Eastern Attendees --------------- Mark Morgan (minutes) Ellen Stokes, IBM Chris Kantarjiev Michel Drescher Dmitry Vasyunin Adianto Wibisono Adam Belloum Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Ali Anjomshoaa Steve McGough Hiro Kishimoto Jay Unger * Action Item: Hiro to send Mark an email with the list of names of who was on the telecon * Should the student doing the sociological study be allowed to take notes during discussions? - No objections on the telephone - Send the request to the mailing list -- Action Item: Hiro to send out email * Agenda Bashing * Workflow - Michel presenting -- Jay suggests that we may want to support a fork control flow so that we can handle exceptions, etc. -- Job Groups? - The decision about where to run the mover job may be influenced by the job that you are moving data for. - Would the job manager see any dependencies, or just get a list of jobs -- You have to see the dependencies - We need use cases - Job's should produce resources, not data. When the job is done, the BES container anounces the availability of that resource. - Everyone should come to F2F with use cases for workflow.