OGSA F2F Session – 10 19 2007 – Service Level Terms ========================================================= Participants Hiro Steven N Duane Fred M Michel Donal Steve McG Joel Andreas Chris Sosa (UVA) Fred B Minutes – Chris Sosa Summary of Actions: Group decided that we don’t understand the scope of the space enough to make any standard. No action items. Discussion of why we wanted a “computer-understandable” way of defining and understanding service level terms. Problem trying to solve: Everyone submits everything by hand and users must go to websites to figure out the service level terms (manual) Consensus - In the end, it was agreed that until we’re at a point that we can charge for services, then the industry doesn’t care. -Interesting research idea -Too many research groups already -Not a big enough issue for enough people to want to address -Also, discussed the possibility of building off of WS-Agreement