OGSA F2F Session - 19 10 2007 - OGSA Security Profile 2.0 ========================================================= * Participants Hiro Dave Steven N Duane Fred M Michel Donal Steve McG Joel Andreas Chris Sosa (UVA) Fred B (visited for 5 minutes) Minutes: Donal. * Make the SP2 documents acceptable to Blair Dillaway and other people in Security Area [-] ISSUE: Make other parts not dependent on WS-SecureAddressing [-] ACTION: Duane [-] ISSUE: Talk about ability within SPs to talk about claims relating to authz policy [-] ACTION: Duane [-] ISSUE: Describe other ways to convey info, e.g. profile on WSDL, UDDI, see also WS-MEX except not yet standardized enough, see also WS-PAEPR in W3C [-] ACTION: Duane [-] ISSUE: Combine to two documents 1: What are the "good" policies? 2: How do we put the info in EPRs? [-] ACTION: Duane * Archtecturally, where are we going with EPRs? We have naming info and security info, but what else is there? [-] ISSUE: What is in WS-KitchenSink? [-] ACTION: Dave & Steven to consider, write up a proposal for main OGSA group. [-] ACTION: Hiro to arrange time at next F2F to discuss.