OGSA F2F Session - 10 October 2007 - EMS ======================================== * Participants AS = Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) SN = Steven Newhouse (Microsoft) HK = Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) DS = David Snelling (Fujitsu) FB = Fred Maciel (Hatachi) A? = Andrea Merzky (Louisiana State University) MD = Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) DF = Donal Fellows (Manchester Uni) SM = Stephen McGough (Imperial College London) JR = Joel Replogle (OGF) Phone: * Summary of Actions ACTION: Replace BES with HPCP with intro paragraph to explain relationship between these. ACTION: DF to review RSS section of document ACTION: MD to provide necessary xml fragment for Source and Target for DMI ACTION: DF to re-arrange the figure to make it look more conventional Minutes: SM Lead: AS & SN AS: Nothing direct to show File transfer scenarios ---------------------- SN: Retro fit HPCP for BES General yes AS: Should we only change where it makes a difference? Leave alone if no meaning difference. SN: Will this confuse if we use both? SN: Explain in intro paragraph SM: State that HPCP is a subclass of BES SN: Will this make people think you can only use BES for some bits? ACTION: Replace BES with HPCP with intro paragraph to explain relationship between these. SN: Purge out CDDLM? AS: If we purge what do we put in its place? SN: Need to remark that CDDLM is resting SN: Leave senario but remove specification. Need to watch as we are "endorsing" these specs. AS: Make it a scenario which doesn't use CDDLM directly. Say how CDDLM could be used without endorsing AS: Two types of scenarios - those which are mapped to specs - those where a problem is identified but no solution is specified SN: Conceptual and actual scenarios RESOLUTION: Remove defunct specifications and describe all scenarios as conceptual or implemetable AS: ACS is another spec SN: RSS - has it be reviewed by DF? DF: willing to review ACTION: DF to review RSS section of document AS: Other issues in document: Activity credentials SN: These are undefined. Place in JSDL, message body or header AS: Make no statement on Security SN: Yes RESOLUTION: Implied model - though no statement about where these come from AS: DMI EPR's - where specified - in JSDL MD: Use RNS name which gets resolved SN: Ravi - specific ftp, gsiftp Michel - in RNS Steven - in EPR MD: JSDL consumer getting JSDL then taking this and mapping SN: direct, RNS or EPR AS: Which is the preferred way as this is what readers of doc will assume MD: EPR and RNS AS: If specific protocol then don't need DMI SN: Isn't this a template? Population with instance info MD: Resolution is to have EPRs in JSDL is good idea SN: Works well and consumer will know what to do with it RESOLUTION: Use EPRs in JDSL Source and Target for DMI transfer SN: Do we need to profile DMI for use in JSDL? MD: As long as using DMI name space then this is OK ACTION: MD to provide necessary xml fragment for Source and Target for DMI UML Sequence Diagram (RSS) -------------------------- DF: Information System (IS) sends info back to different service than that which calls it DF: Separate service generated for making candidate set AS: Is info from Information Service all in one go or in bits? DF: This just shows communication not how data is communicated HK: Feed all info from IS to EPS at start DF: This could fit within the spec - info from IS gets fed into ISS - no specification of how AS: Restructure as putting these three together? DF: Yes you can, in old versions EPS and ISS have been together, to make return come earlier ACTION: DF to re-arrange the figure to make it look more conventional