OGSA January 2006 Interim Meeting ================================= Location: Sunnyvale, CA Date: 16/1/2006, morning * Participants Hiro Kishimoto Dave Snelling Fred Maciel Andreas Savva Fred Brisard Patricia Kovatch Chris Jordan Dave Berry Ravi Subramaniam Steven Newhouse Steve McGough Darren Pulsipher Takuya Mori Mark Morgan Andrew Grimshaw Jay Unger Tom Maguire Ellen Stokes Minutes: Andreas Savva * Welcome and review of F2F agenda ** EMS breakdown proposal - Discussed proposal for a separate EMS track (2-3 people) to work on sequence diagrams. - Agreed to a short break out session in the afternoon to discuss what can be done: Andrew, Ravi, Darren, Steve M, etc - With the option for a longer breakout session on Tuesday [Note: In the end there was no parallel EMS session during this F2F.] * BES-WG ** Overview of BES specification draft - EPRs are now a MUST and WS-Names are a SHOULD. The type used is the same (EPR). - The intention is for the WSRF rendering to be WSRF BP 1.0 compliant. But it is not 100% yet. - Container is defined. Activity not defined. Influences what kind of operations are specified. - State diagrams is based on JSDL 1.0 - Especially the stage-in/stage-out diagrams. But it is the BES decision to include those portions of JSDL in its specification. - Note that the staging state diagrams are not defined as sub-states. They are different state diagrams - Discussed and REJECTED: Modify the staging state diagram to simplify so that there are no separate staging-in/waiting/staging-out but a single staging state - Motivation is to keep a simpler (perceived) mapping to the JSDL spec - It was also pointed out that the JSDL spec makes no statement on the state diagram for staging and that the authors did not intend a data staging state diagram as defined here. - People might still choose to comment during pc - Some states are optional. An activity does not need to (visibly) pass through them. (But see "Events, if supported, ..." further down.) - When an activity is suspended, the staging activites are also suspended. - What happens when a staging activity suspends? - The overall activity suspends, which in turn causes the rest of the activites to suspend. (Added clarification) - Suspend should be clarified further. Proposed text along the lines of "... stops the consumption of further resources, but does not necessarily release the resources." - start/stop container: Proposal to put them in a separate porttype to aid composition. (Rough consensus to do so.) - Added clarification: Events, if supported, are emitted per state transition. And even if the activity does not 'actually' go through a state an event should be triggered. E.g., if no data stage in occurs, an event is still emitted before going into execution. - Discussed rendering and notification types - Rendering: explicit that other renderings can be used - Notification: explicit 'not-supported' and also other types can be used. - Could a service support more than one? - Discussed security considerations and how much to include in this document. - Proposal to add more detail on the issues (identity mapping, etc.) and state that they are out of scope. (Rough consensus) *** Rendering - Fault definition: - Proposal to do the definition as WSRF Base Faults, and then do a description for the WS-I rendering how they map to SOAP faults (used in ws-management). - An alternative is to do a new spec: OGSA Faults - Both REJECTED: Agreed to leave as is with parallel renderings from an 'abstract' description; and trying to make XML definition of {base faults, soap faults} as close to each other as possible - Resource advertisement: The WS-I rendering uses UDDI (mostly static information +'alpha' for the dynamic portion.) *** Other issues - Resource discovery (resource information): It is out-of-scope of this specification. The choice of which BES Container to use is assumed to have already occurred. - Another spec could provide the needed functionality. - Notification: It has been decided not to filter at the container. Filtering can be done further down. *** Next steps Moving to a final call of the document on the list and teleconf. Then submit to the GGF Editor. ** Report on Interoperability meeting - Carried out at Imperial College between UVa (WSRF .NET implementation) and GridSAM (WS-I based) - Each project had its own test harness. Cross-checked test harnesses to test that both containers could run the tests of the other team. - Nothing specific to WSRF or WS-I rendering tested. - Tests worked first time (with the exception of a minor coding error) - Only correct functionality was tested. No error checking. Also no events. - It should be taken as a proof-of-concept, and working towards a formal interop. And towards an experience document. - Multi-grids interop to do both BES and JSDL and could lead to experience documents for both specs.