GGF18: OGSA and EGA Reference Model =================================== Date: 12 September 2006, 4:00-5:30pm Room: 159A-B * Summary of Action Next step: Set up an initial group of people to start a discussion within OGSA. Identify what should be done. - Dave Snelling, Andrew Grimshaw, Tom Maguire - Paul Strong, Alan Clark, Bob Thome * EGA Reference Model Overview (Paul Strong) - Policy is at the GME level; is it a statement that the PEP is there? GME is an abstraction; it might be. [slide 25] - GME looks like it might be itself manageable, it is explicit, or munged? - No implication about implementation. - Relation is not a nesting (containment), it is a graph (dag) - GMEs is a logical entity - Simplified policy since these are all within one enterprise and the policies might be more clearly defined. - How does this map to a SOA? - This defines a component model identifying things that are important. [slide 31] - From left to right (arbitrary choice); might want to have concurrent or not at the same level. - This is an instance dependencies diagram * Glossary comparison - Minor overlap in terms (11) (same term name) - See Jem Treadwell's slides for more details. * OGSA/EGA reference model comparison - A number of discussion topics listed in Hiro's presentation. - OGSA services vs EGA GME - Points to a different way of thinking (modeling) about the problem; - Could everything on the left be wrapped as service? Maybe, some of them have been wrapped as services in implementation - OGSA has wrapped as services; - this may be the difference between a reference model and an architecture * Next steps - No specific OGF policy on unifying EGA and GGF work, but there is an expectation that parties talk to each other - Merging the glossaries? Yes and does not look too difficult - Proposal: maintain the distinction between reference model; and OGSA as (a service oriented) rendering of it; - Is it true, or should it be made true? - As an exercise, what is the specific use case to drive it; need a reason--more than an abstract motivation. No reason just to be consistent. - EMS (or the more restricted HPC Profile) might be a good starting point - Would probably need more than one use case; would also have to think broader than current thinking in OGSA. - Transaction processing kind of environment as one motivation? - Next step: Set up an initial group of people to start a discussion within OGSA. Identify what should be done. - Dave Snelling, Andrew Grimshaw, Tom Maguire - Paul Strong, Alan Clark, Bob Thome