| OGSA Teleconference - January 10, 2008 - WS-Naming | ========================================================= | | * Participants | | Dave Snelling [Fujitsu] | Hiro Kishimoto [Fujitsu] | Andreas Savva [Fujitsu] | Andrew Grimshaw [UvA] | Steve MacGough [IC] | Donnal Fellows [UoM] | Ali Anjomshoaa [Mobability] | | Minutes: Dave Snelliing | | * Summary of New Actions [Andrew] ACTION: Andrew to contact Satoshi Sekiguchi to see if WS-Naming can be incorporated into DIAS WG. [Andrew] ACTION: Find out from Mark how this is supported in Genesis. [Andrew and Dave] ACTION: Decide on errata plans. | * Minutes <> approved with [changes/no changes] No minutes to approve. | * Action Item review No outstanding Actions. | * Adoption of WS-Naming. The spec had a bit to allow the address to hold the EPI. There may be some problem with the client knowing the location of thi identifier. There is a separate claim URI for this, so what is the problem? [-] ISSUE: Should WS-Naming take action on the EPI in the address. No action required. No action to be taken however. The Resolver is the key function that UvA has exploited. It is thought that Frank is doing something with this spec, but we have not confirmed this. Fujitsu plans to use it in USMT. It seems that DIAS working group may use this. [Andrew] ACTION: Andrew to contact Satoshi Sekiguchi to see if WS-Naming can be incorporated into DIAS WG. They don't use it now, but might think about it in future work. Uptake in industry is dependent on a product or use case requirement. The fact is that within the enterprise today most relocation is done with V-LANS and load balancers. So only when distribution is required across multiple institutions is WS-Naming needed. Groups like EGEE might be possible targets. There is a possible enhancement to allow the client to indicate in requests the service that it understands the WS-Naming protocol. The problem is this. If the service can satisfy the request, but would rather redirect further requests. If the service can't tell the client understands, the service cannot redirect. [-] ISSUE: What do we do about a client indicating that it understands WS-Naming? [Andrew] ACTION: Find out from Mark how this is supported in Genesis. If we do an errata: - Add client capability hint. - Tidy up EPI Address profile (wrt rebinding). - Add Frank to the editors list. [Andrew and Dave] ACTION: Decide on errata plans. | * Sidebar Andrew summarized the WS-Naming spec.