| OGSA-19 F2F - 11 January 2008 - OGSA Strategy part 4 | ===================================================== | | * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andrew Grimshaw (University of Virginia) David Snelling (Fujitsu) Steve McGough (IC) Donal Fellows (Manchester University) Steven Newhouse (Microsoft) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi (Brunel University) Laurence Field (CERN, phone) | Minutes: Hiro Kishimoto * Introduction - Steven explains overview of our past-day discussion to Laurence using his slides. - Steven asks "Do we jump on the Cloud?" - Laurence: people has difference view on what they want. He sees Grid is service oriented. He is not sure the difference between Web Services interface vs. Grid interface. Grid interface should be something like USB. Cloud should be backplane for the Grid. People want to build cloud needs low level API, e.g. monitoring and security. - Existing typical clouds are propriety but still need a standards for scale /uniformity. - One of the purpose of cloud is scalability. Thus cloud needs common interface. - Amazon provides interface to their cloud. - Standardization of such interface is beneficial to end user but Amazon does not come to us to standards it. - Current Amazon interface lacks a lot of features, including security, managability, service discovery. * What is different Cloud computing and Grid computing. - Cloud computing is nothing new. - Grid computing comes from HPC computing. - Cloud computing comes from distributing computing people. - Cloud computing is just set of services and each service is provided by provider. On the other hand, Grid computing is set of services and all work togother to make sence. - Andrew: Cloud is giant step back. send difficult problems back to each providers. - User does not need to worry any of these problems that is good for user. - All these issues should be taken care by the provider and provider may/should use grid technologies/specifications. they can be OGF spec consumer. - E.g. Utility Model: Payment & account - Amazon knocks out Sun mainly by price. - Amazon uses virtualizaiton. but it has its own limitation including RDB. - Amazon did not make money in 2007. - Jury is still out - If we have enough local storage, we don't need S3 except backup * Formal possible proposals for OGSA strategy - Reduce the interim meetings between OGFs -- Continue telecon schedule - Continue meeting at regular OGF events - Focus implementation of existing/emerging specs -- Socialize adoption * New Activity: The Access Layer - Scenario driven focus for accessing the Grid -- real small incremental scenarios (c.f. EMS) - Incremental scenario led API development -- Reflect port-type into an API using tooling -- Wrap web service through RESTian/CRUD model -- Examine role of SAGA in this space * Community Group around a scenario - Bring specific vendors, software providers & vendors for a specific activity - Make it a very specific, finite scope. - We will go to OGF22 cloud BoF session.