Date: 18 July 2006 ** Participants: Jay Unger, IBM Ellen Stokes, IBM Stephen McGough, Imperial College Ian Foster, ANL Ravi Subramiavan, Intel Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Peter Ziu, Northrop Grumman David Snelling, Fujitsu Andrew Grimshaw, UoV Mark Morgan, UoV (via phone) ** New Specification Update - Andrew walks the participants through the most recent updates to the WS-Naming document - Andrew clarified issues about the "resolve(): EPR" method of the Resolver interface. The optional ERI parameter was removed because it effectively did not provide additional inormation. Also, when entering loops to eventually re-resolve an ERI, the service implementation can easily detect when to leave that loop. Effectively, the state of the resolution operation is maintained on the server, instead at the client, even when the client issues multiple resolve requests per ESI. - The group discusses whether to split the Resolver interface into two port types. Resolution: There will be separate port types (which implies separrate QNames) for the Resolver. The split wil be made so that the resolve(0 operatrion has its own port type, as the resolveEPI() meethod will have, too. Resolution: Each port type will define an associated element type, "EPIResolve" and "ReferenceResolver" (or alike, as long as the element names are different). - Hiro clarifys that the normative reference to an informational document cannot exist in a normative specification. - Hiro points point that the XML Schema definition for the ReferenceResolver element is missing in the current specification document. - Hiro points out that the document is inconsistent in terms of ambiguous naming (WS-Naming vs Profile on WS-Addressing) ** ResolverReferral protocol - Dave mentions a discussion on a ResolverReferral protocol discussion at GGF17 for which no minutes seem to exist. ** Trackers - Tracker 1776 has been closed with no action necessary. - Tracker 1777 has been closed as the specifiction covers the issue. ** ACTION ITEMS ** 1) Frank Siebenlist, David Snelling Inline the "informational document" (written by D. Snelling & F. Siebenlist) into the normative specification document 2) Mark Morgan Add the formal element declaration of the ReferenceResolver (and the new element and its type) to the normative document. 3) Andrew Grimshaw Clarify the document purpose (as being a specification rather a profile) and align with the OGSA formal formatting. 4) David Snelling, Frank Siebenlist The "Web Service Endpoint Address Identifier Profile" needs to be added to the formal WS-Naming specification. 5) unassigned (tentatively: Frank, David) Write up the ResolverReferral solution that has been discussed at GGF17 and feed back into the WS-Naming group