++ GRAAP ++ OGF 30 session #1 - #3 ++ Minutes ++ Compiled by Philipp Wieder, TU Dortmund, Service Computing Group * IPR sheet has been given around at every session * Please refer to the online agendas: ** http://ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=2090 ** http://ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=2091 ** http://ogf.org/gf/event_schedule/index.php?id=2092 ++ Session #1 * Focus: WS-Agreement Negotiation * Slides: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc16087?nav=1 * Apart from the negotiation document: ** Advance reservation micro spec to be published after OGF30 (PR) * Discussion on comments received due to the final call via GRAAP mailing list ** Here is the document to be commented on: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/downloadDocument/projects.graap-wg/docman.root.current_drafts.ws_agreement_negotiation_specifi/doc16041 ** Walktrough and discussion of the document. See inline for results *** https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/docman/do/downloadDocument/projects.graap-wg/docman.root.current_drafts.ws_agreement_negotiation_specifi/doc15831/5 ** In addition: *** Add a new property "negotiation templates" as a RP to "Negotiation portType". Change the pictures accordingly. Re-check text for deployment scenarios. -> No impact on schema, only on WSDL. *** Negotiation constraint importance *** p.19 Add reference to GFD.107 to where Critical Extensions are defined. Check for other occurences. *** p.25: Dominic's comment: Oliver is changing Figure 5 accordingly (adding Advertise(Offer) to the figure) and change text accordingly. *** Action: p.26, Add template mechanism for NegotiationContext. Requires an additional picture. ++ Session #2 * Focus: Continuation of negotiation discussion & ADA introduction an discussion * Slides: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc16088?nav=1 * Presentation and discussion about ADA. See slides for more information: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc16090?nav=1 ++ Session #3 * Focus: GRAAP & SAGA synchronisation * Slides: https://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc16089?nav=1 * Use case presented by Wolfgang * Short presentation by André re. SAGA ** Discussion about use cases and potential synchronisation * Consensus: Reservation is the case where both groups can benefit most from each other * Another interesting use case is data and compute co-allocation due to increasing importance * Clouds: Target community uses FutureGrid infrastructure. Nimbus and Eucalyptus. ** Also good for Clouds (and also targeted by SAGA) * Actions: ** SAGA will send the documents on reservation to GRAAP [André] ** GRAAP will send Use Case information to SAGA [Wolfgang] ** Inform SAGA about WisNetGrid [Philipp] ** Prepare discussion reservation use case for next OGF