OGSA minutes - OGF22 Information Modeling Session February 26, 2008, 1:45-3:15 PM Minutes written by Fred Maciel. Summary of new actions: none. - WG last call ends Feb 29, looking for feedback. Public comment estimated to start Mid-March. - Ellen explains contents of document - Sergio explains GLUE 2.0 XML example - Michael explains XPath example - Hiro: explanation in Figure 10 incomplete? A: covered by Figure 9. - Sergio explains XQuery query example - Hiro: what is the plan for the actual work based on this architecture? Ellen: don't know. Hiro: checking consistency between GLUE and CIM? Ellen: need to engage peers at DMTF and understand gaps. Also, as part of JSDL 2.0 should factor in the use of XQuery and XPath to express activity requirements. Same for BES if there is another version of this spec. - Hiro: share not in CIM yet? Ellen: DMTF might argue it is. - Discussion on collaboration between DMTF and OGF. Session adjourned.