DAIS WG - OGF21 - 17/10/07 ========================== Chair: Isao Kojima Notes: Said Mirza 11 Attendees Present Presentations in powerpoint format is available from: http://tinyurl.com/2erzxc ----- Isao Kojima opens the meeting and gives an overview of the present status of DAIS and WS-DAI RDF(S) specification. Isao informs that Dave Pearson is stepping down as co-chair of the group and now the chair position is open to the public. Neil says there is a person from EGEE who is willing to contribute implementing DAIR. Mario will be informed about it. ----- Miquel Esteban goes on talk about ontology access strawman. He explains the main motivation and introduces a new update on the strawman: profile-based specification. The profile-based specification allows users to (minimally) implement the specification based on their needs. Amy Krause asks why haven't you find any use cases yet? Miquel Esteban: We already have some use cases but we do not have time to write the use cases. Most of the use cases come from the semantic web and they are not enough for persuading the community to involve in this activity. Isao Kojima: your use cases should focus on demostrating the usability of the WS-DAI direct and indirect access patterns. ----- Said Mirza presents the querying specification including the motivation and several use cases. Miquel Esteban asks why there are two types of returned results? Said Mirza: It is because there are two types of SPARQL query: Select/Ask and Construct/Describe where each has different type of returned result. The former is a set of binding while the latter is a set of triple (graph). Isao Kojima: W3C SPARQL Result format specification only handles the returned results from the first query type, so we handle the two results using different formats: W3C SPARQL Query Result format for the former and XML/RDF or XML/N3 for the latter. ----- Isao Kojima starts discussion session. - Planning to have a discussion with UPM about terms and namespaces. The discussion will be based on the glosssary of terms made by UPM. Miquel Esteban says he has just uploaded the glossary of terms into the forge. - Planning to modify the background and motivational document by adding some more use cases. Will be finished by the next OGF meeting. - Currently this activity is leaded only by two groups: AIST & UPM. Need more contributors. Semantic grid/web people seems not interested in this activity because they are working on the application level rather than infrastructure level which is the main concern of this activity. ----------------------------- Said Mirza AIST