OGSA Profiles Interoperability Testing ====================================== * Dave Snelling presentation - Can specs (e.g., OGSA Byte I/O, DMI) also be included? - Yes - Proposed a number of additions, including specs covered by HPC Profile - Byte IO has already some interoperability work; it is not the intention here to redo that work - But the purpose is to move the profiles forward; not a general interop event ** slide 4 - Include failure scenarios? The purpose is not to test implementations. It is to test the specification so this does not have to be covered. (OGSA-DAI example, and Byte IO) - Test all cyphersuites? It might end up being compliance testing which might be too much - Mutual authentication is mandatory but is not something that all implementations support or have use case for; and recap of the discussion around this issue. Agreed that this is not a technical issue but it is a show-stopper for those not supporting it. - Considered to drop SC Profile but this makes it difficult for others to setup their services. ** slide 6 - onwards - How to test WS-Naming; quick look through some proposals ** slide 10: WSRF BP - Value in testing this specific profile? Discussion without any resolution - Next step is unclear since there is no consensus on using all the OGSA Profiles